Chapter 4; OMG that's me

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Dahlia knew she was dreaming, but she didn't care. It was the most incredible thing Dahlia had ever felt. It was as if her soul had broken free of her burning flesh and she was now untied from her body and the pain that has been a part of her consciousness for the past several months.

She wandered into the room, then turned back to the bed and saw the finest man she'd ever seen. He had almost white hair and a strong chiselled chin. She looked over his body and saw that it was lean compared to Kitsune, but still clearly a very powerful body that could compete with any Kitsune.

Before Dahlia could stop herself she moved forward and allowed her lips to lightly brush his. The soft touch caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach. Dahlia laughed softly in pleasure. Then she turned her head a little and saw what looked like a rotting corpse lying beside the man. She was completely horrified. Suddenly she realized that the blob of meat was her body. Dahlia was confused and began to panic.

"Oh, my god! That's ME! I should be dead. But why am I stuck here? Why am I not dead like James? Jesus H Christ my skin is blistered as hell. Oh crap I am really a burnt crisp."

The more Dahlia blathered the more disturbed and unstable she was becoming. She started screaming at the top of her lungs. She was begging and praying for it to all go away. She kept opening and closing her eyes praying that the next time she opened them she would be in heaven with James. As Dahlia stood there screaming at her decrepit body a pleasant and beautiful woman entered the room with a look of confusion on her face and looked at Dahlia. Then she turned to Dahlia and said in a calm almost musical voice

"Small one, you need to return to your body and rest. It is wonderful that you've learned to spirit walk but now is not the time. Heal first."

Dahlia was immediately back in her body and in a deep sleep where even dreams could not reach her.

Dahlia (My Kitsune Consort)Where stories live. Discover now