Go away you dirty Verga

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Dahlia eyed the Wendigo carefully as he entered the room. She knew what he was now, and she couldn't believe that she had actually thought him to be an angel. He was anything but heavenly. He was a beast in men's clothing. A dirty Verga. Enemy to Empa.

"What do you want now?"

Dahlia screeched at him. She didn't want to move any more today. She was tired of the exercise and treatment. She hurt from top to bottom and just wanted to frigging rest. His eyes widened at her tone but he continued to keep that pleasant smile on his smug little face. God he pisses her off. He likes to act like he is so calm and easygoing. He lets her scream, push, hit and generally verbally abuse him and his face just keeps the same stupid look of happiness on it.

Dahlia watched him turn around and talk to someone in the doorway. They kept their voices very low. With her Kitsune now gone, her hearing wasn't much better than the average human but Dahlia was pretty sure she heard them say something about her baby. That got her blood pumping.

"What did he say? Did he say that James is on his way here? I want to see my baby! I've done everything you asked. Where is he?"

Dahlia bellowed at him. The Wendigo moved more into the room and looked at her

"Dahlia calm down. I told you we would bring you the baby. He's been away but he's on his way here now. I promise Dahlia will bring him to see you the moment he arrives."

Dahlia wanted to believe the nasty Verga but she had her doubts.

"If you're lying to me, I swear to god I'll rip your heart from your chest and laugh while I eat it you filthy Verga."

Dahlia said the word Verga like it was a dirty word. His face always showed pain when Dahlia called him that. She knew it bothered him so she did it often. She liked knowing that Wendigo had feelings.

"Dahlia, I told you I'd never lie to you. Can you please make the effort to call me by my given name instead of dirty Verga all the time? Damien, my name is Damien. Try it out easy enough to say."

Dahlia gave him a look of disdain and said

"When I have James snuggled safely in my arms maybe I will call you something other than dirty Verga. Personally, I think it's good to call you that. I could call you something else maybe like Verga scum. What do you think?" Dahlia loved to taunt him with her words.

She could see her last comment hit home because for the briefest moment Damien's eyes flashed with emotion. Then they returned to their constant state of calm indifference. God but that look of calm indifference really pissed her off. She opened her mouth to say more, but he had already turned on his heel and walked out of her room.

Dahlia didn't know why she enjoyed torturing Damien. Damien was probably a nice guy but his indifference frigging drove her nuts. He was like one of those perfect statues an artist sculpted and left in the park. Beautiful in its form but not able to move or experience life. That's what Damien reminded her of.

Always facts and punctual with his treatments and practices. He hardly ever said anything to her, unrelated to her health or recovery. It bothered her to no end and she wished she knew why. Part of her wondered if it had something to do with how he found her. She remembered something like that from when he first brought her here but she can't quite put her finger she around it.

Damien is so careful not to answer all her questions. She knows there are others in the house, but they have never come into her room. The only one she's ever seen other than Damien is a doctor. She checks on Dahlia several times a week. Dahlia has admiration and respect for Dr. Lorretta. She is attractive, has a great bedside manner and makes her feel safe and comfortable. Dahlia has asked Dr. Lorretta all the same questions she's asked the Wendigo and Lorretta always looks at Dahlia with her eyes full of pity and says

"You need to speak with Damien dear. He has all the answers and it really is his responsibility to tell you when you are ready."

She hates when Lorretta says that but at least she knows the Doctor is telling her the truth. Dahlia heard Damien in the hallway and the door pushed open. She saw something moving in front of him and she just knew it was her baby.

"Oh, please bring him to me. I want to see my baby."

Damien moved to her side and placed her son into her arms. She looked down at his sweet little face and smiled. She touched his cheek with her finger and wished his eyes would open. Dahlia cooed and awed at her baby.

"You are such a handsome baby. You look just like your daddy so handsome and fair. You are going to break all the female Kitsune hearts when you grow up! I named you James just like your daddy. I wish he could be here with us."

Dahlia felt tears slip from her eyes as she thought of her mate. One splashed down and landed on baby James's forehead. She bent down to kiss him and wipe away the tear. That's when she noticed his ears; they were long and pointy like a Wendigo. She found herself wondering why they would resemble a Wendigo. Then her heart skipped a beat and the memories slammed back into her.

Suddenly she remembered more than she wanted to. She remembered her Kitsune dying; she remembered when Damien pulled her from the car. She remembered him telling her that she was his consort. She remembered what it felt like when Damien fed her his blood. Damien must have known what would happen to her and her child when he did that.

Damien did it anyway. He forced Dahlia to stay alive and somehow managed to turn her baby into some kind of a Wendigo Kitsune crossbreed. Dahlia's little baby James would be forced to drink blood for the rest of his life. It all started to make sense, Damien wasn't indifferent he was scared to death that Dahlia would remember what he's done to her and hate him for it. Well he's right; Dahlia is alive because he forced her to drink his blood. She shouldn't be alive and neither should her freak of nature child. She looked away from her baby long enough to make sure Damien was looking at her.

"Get the hell out of my room you frigging dirty Verga. I remember now. I know what you did and why I am here." then she yelled as loud as she could

"Get the hell out of here! I am not your consort and you should have let me die with James! I hate you and I hate what you have done to me and my baby!"

Dahlia saw his face flash what she thought might have been pain then he said quietly

"Dahlia I will go for now, but you are my consort and I couldn't allow you to die. I am sorry that you're angry, but I would do it all again." Damien moved towards the door then turned back and continued

"We've asked n Empa couple Liz and John to stay here and help you with the baby. They can help attend to yours and the baby's needs for the next few days. That should help you to continue to focus on your health while you get used to the idea of your new life and your baby's uniqueness. Dahlia I am truly sorry for your loss and your pain. I am however not sorry that we were able to help you survive." 

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