Spin The Bottle -Part 2

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Me: I'm sorry for not posting for so long people

Annabeth: Yea Jenna get your crap together!

Me: Aca-scuse me?

Percy: OOO annabeth you are gonna regret that

Annabeth: shut it percy no one cares

Me: you will when I make you kiss nico MWAHAHAHA

Annabeth: WAIT WHAT



Percy bolted up from his spot and printed after an almost peeing Hazel.

Rachel sat in Percy's spot and crossed her legs. "Who's next?"

I looked towards the doorway. "Rachel , you can go, ill be back."

I got up and jogged out the door towards the lake, only to see Hazel being dragged underwater and Percy jumping in to save her.

I ran to the beach, there wasn't much else I could do besides watch.

I saw some bubbles, a few nymphs, and them Percy came out with hazel on his back, breathing hard and gaping for air , like she hadn't breathed in years.

Percy on the other hand , had a goofy smile on his face and was completely fine.

He places Hazel on the beach, and pointed a finer at her. "NO MORE PEEING IN THE LAKE. UNDERSTAND LEVESQUE?"

She stood up. "YES SIR!" She shouted, them gave him a solute.

She walked back towards where the others were and I walked up to Percy. I tried to hug him but he screamed "COOTIES!"amd ran around screaming. I llaughed and chased him back to the cabin.

When we got back, Percy and I sat down with everyone and we continued.

"What did we miss?" I asked.

"RACHEL KISSED LEO!" Piper yelled. Rachel blushed and Leo put on a smirk.

"No one can resist the L man."

Rachel gave him a hard smack to the face.

"MY TURN!" Leo yelled. He spun the bottle, and Low and behold, it landed on me. Leo looked at me worriedly, and Percy looked enraged.

I gave Percy's hand a reassuring squeeze and he relaxed a bit. Leo looked over to Percy, almost asking permission, and Percy replied with a look that said "Ok but if you try anything you will end up in the bottom of the lake."

Leo sheepishly crawled over, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and quickly returned to his spot.

Percy was a bit squeamish but didn't seem like he was about to kill someone, which was good.

"Annabeth your turn." Rachel stated.

I got up and spun the bottle, praying it would just land on Percy.

The bottle spun around for what seemed like eons . Low and behold, it landed on..."Nico?"

Nico had suddenly appeared nevt to Piper, making Piper momentarily jump.

Percy looked infuriated once again. I crawled over. Kissed my hand, then smacked Nico across the face.

"Owww." He moaned.

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