Chapter 3

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Harry’s POV.

I was in total shock. I can’t believe that just happened. I came back to present time as I heard my name being called.

“Well are you going to help me or not Harry!” I hurriedly rushed to Kylie’s side, helping her while she got up. I could tell she got it bad because her face was starting to bruise up and she had a slight limp in her walk.

We walked down the hallway, people still recording us as we passed by them. Kylie tried hiding her face in her hands while people laughed and pointed at her for…well…getting her ass beat. I shook my head at the people, giving some of them death glares which caused them to have looks of nervousness.

If it’s one thing people knew in this school about me, it was not to mess with or fuck with for that matter, anything I loved. They figured that out after what happened last year to this kid who just didn’t believe me. We finally made it to the bathroom and she went in.

“I’ll be back babe” I nodded my head as I watched her turn the corner into the bathroom. I sat down on the bench between the boys and girls bathroom. I sighed while pushing back some of the curls out of my face and sitting my head in my hands with my eyes close.

I just needed to think. Every time I tried thinking about something else, my mind kept going back to what just happen down the hallway. Who the fuck did Hunter think she was? She can’t just go around and beat up people for no damn reason! I could feel myself getting angrier as my mind surface on the topic, never once leaving it.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kylie called my name. I immediately stood up and went to her, putting my arm around her and making sure she was okay. “How do you feel?” She shook her head slightly cringing at the pain. When Hunter punched her in the face. Kylie fell back and hit her head on the lockers, hard.

“I think we should take you home baby” She nodded her head frankly, making sure not to add to anymore pain she was in. I pulled her closer to me so she could rest her head on my shoulder blade. “You need anything from your locker?”

“No I’m fine” I could barely hear her as her faint voice tried to make its way out of her mouth. I nodded and headed to the office. I opened the door and led her in, me following close behind. There were a couple of students in there who saw Kylie and were snickering as we stood in the line formed from earlier.

I could feel myself getting madder by the second and at this point I was not in the mood for some fucking freshman’s to make fun of the situation. I let go of Kylie and spun around, facing the little wimpy kids as they stood there still giggling.

“Will you two shut the hell up? I bet you wouldn’t be laughing if the shit happen to you now shut up before my fists pummel you both into the ground!” The words came out like venom as both kids stopped and looked at me pretty scared.

“Next” I turned back around and continued to hold Ky in my arms as we made it to the front of the line, finally. “Oh Hello Harry” I could hear the cheeriness in her voice, causing a smile to appear on my face, the anger fluttering away. “Hey Mrs. Tagen” Mrs. Tagen was an old lady who has been working here for years. She had green eyes with a hint of light blue in them and they held so much love and care for person.

She acted like a grandmother to everyone, which is why everyone loves her. She had the most uplifting personality I have ever seen. She was just a happy old lady. “What can I do for you sweetie?” I sighed and ruffled my curls in my hair, stress taking over.

“I need to sign out Kylie so she can go home. She isn’t feeling well.” Mrs.Tagen eyes went to Kylie as she looked in shock and concern. She just looked at her then back at me, waiting for an answer. I looked at Kylie who was just looking down, oblivious to any voices talking to her. I decided to answer for her.

“She hurt herself last night at her house but decided to come to school anyway, knowing she isn’t doing well at this very moment.” I heard snickers from behind me again. I heard one of the kids whisper something behind me, making me look back and glare at them. I turn back around and faced Mrs.Tagen. “I would like to get her home quickly so she will be okay if that’s fine with you.”

“Of course sweet pea.” She always called me sweet pea but I didn’t mind, we were pretty close. She continued to write down some things on the paper then handed it to me so I could sign. “I’ll let your teachers know that you guys are going home.” I handed her back the clipboard with the papers on it, nodding my head to let her know it was okay.

She signed her signature then put it up. “Bye Mrs.Tagen, see ya later” She nodded and smiled. “Bye Harry! Kylie feel better” She looked up and smiled as we made our way out the office. We headed for the front exit of the school.

We walked down the long path to my car which I picked her up in so her car was at her house. “How ya feeling love?” She looked up at me and smile weakly. “Still sore but my headache is going away” I nodded and continued to my car. I took out my keys and pushed the button with lock that was unlocked on it, making the car beep and light up.

I opened the passenger door for her and helped her in. Once she was in, I closed it and jogged over to my door hopping in. I put the key in the ignition and turn the car on, the engine roaring to life on my black Range Rover. “Who house are we going to?”

“Mine if that’s fine with you” I looked over at her and she smiled letting me know it was. I put the car in reverse and drove off.


I parked the car in my driveway and turned the engine off. “We’re here Ky” I didn’t hear her answer so I looked over and she was peacefully sleeping with her head laying on the window. I smiled to myself because she looked so cute.

I opened my door and go out, closing it softly so I wouldn’t wake her up. I went to her side and opened the door, quickly catching her from falling out. She stirred awake mumbling something about cookies and cheese. “Shhh its okay love I got you.” Chuckling to myself from hearing her little sleep talk.

I closed the door with my foot and headed to the door. I struggled to get my keys out of my pocket while holding her but manage to do so after 5 or 10 minutes. I put the key into the lock and unlocked the door, pushing it open with my hip and walking inside.

As I closed the door, Kylie’s arm wrapped around my neck, bring her closer to my chest. I headed upstairs and to my room. I laid her gently on the bed, making sure not to wake her.

“Mmmm….that’s…not….ahhhh” I covered her with my bed sheets after taking her shoes off. I walked up next to her and rubbed her hair while silently calming her down. “Just got back to sleep”, and with that she was out.

I examined her face while she slept. I felt bad for her. Her black eye was becoming my evident, her lip was busted and swollen, and she had purple marks on her arms and neck. Anger took over me as I began to walk out the room, letting her sleep peacefully.

I closed the door quietly and went downstairs to the kitchen to get my keys. Hunter has a lot of shit to hear and this time, no one is holding me back from her. I left my house with fury and thinking of what I was going to say to her.

It didn’t take me long to get there which surprised me a little but maybe it’s because I was just thinking so much. I got out the car and went to her front door. I rang the doorbell and stood there patiently just listening to the faint ringing inside the home.

Hunter was definitely in for it now.

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