Chapter 7

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Hunters POV.

“Hunter wake up!” I shot up, my eyes now wide open as I stared at people getting up and leaving. I’m guessing 2nd period ended. I rubbed my eyes and look to who had woke me up, it was Alola. “Jeez I thought you died!” I chuckled at her statement and started getting up.
“How long did I sleep?” I waited for her to answer while I packed up, only 2 of us left in the room. “Since class started” I looked at her shocked a she just nodded her head. “Wow I must have been tired” We pushed our chairs in and headed out.

“Hey you wanna skip today?” I stopped and slowly turned to look at Alola. Now you may think I’m over reacting but this is shocking. Alola NEVER skips, even if it is the last days of school, she just doesn’t do it.

“Alola? Ms. Perfect Attendance Girl? Wanting to skip school? Wow what has the world come to?” I stated dramatically with my hand over my heart. She just laughed and playfully pushed me. “Look as much as I want to keep my perfect attendance, I am just as bored as you are so you want to or not?” I chuckled and nodded my head. “Okay let’s go then!” We decided to just sign out instead of skipping. I cannot afford to be grounded again.

We left the office and out the front doors. “What are we gonna do about the car situation?” I looked at her car and then mine. The first time we met is when she parked next to me in the beginning of the school year. She had the same car as me but in a different color. Ever since then, we been best friends.

“Uhh, okay how about we take my car and we can drop yours off at your house?” She nodded her head and got into her car. I unlocked my door and got in to mine. I put they keys into the ignition and turned the car on. I fixed my rear view mirror and put the gear in reverse. She had already backed up so I started backing up as she headed to the exit.

Her house was only 10 minutes away from the school so it wouldn’t take us long. We finally pulled up to her house and every time we got here, I could never seem to get over how pretty it was. It was a long two-story house with lots of flowers neatly growing following the path that led to the front steps of the house. The stairs were marble and it led to a huge glass door was translucent. I turned the car off and waited for her.

“Hey I’ll be right back, I’m going to change into something more appealing” I shook my head and laughed but fanned her to go ahead. I stayed in the car and just looked around. I the sitting the silence because it creeps me out and it’s just too eerie for me.

I turned the keys once, turning the controls in the car but not the car itself. I put it on 97.9. Okay look not every white person hates rap music. I happen to like it, nothing wrong with that. Right now Na Na Trey Songz was on. I loved this song!

I was singing it until I felt my phone vibrate. I turned down the music a little and got my phone out the cup holder next to me. I turned on the screen and typed in my password. I went to my messages and saw it was from Crimson. I opened it and it said:

-Hey me, Zayn, and Harry are hanging out, wanna come?

I felt a little hurt that she would hang out with him after what he did to me. Of course I remembered that she doesn’t know what happened to me so I can’t be made. Besides, they can be friends all they want. It doesn’t bother me at all. It never has. I decided to make up an excuse not to.

-Can’t. Helping Alola with some things at her house. Thanks though. Have Fun!

- Awhh, okay then. Tell her I said hey!

Short and simple, right? I locked the screen and put it back into the cup holder. I looked back up to see Alola walking out in this. She looked so pretty! I swear this girl could dress. She always said the same things about me. She was more hipster though.

She opened the car door and got in. I looked over at her and smiled. “Oooh someone look sexaaaay!” She pretended to model, making all these faces and poses. We both busted out laughing at her attempts. I put the car in reverse and backed out, then driving off.

“So where we going girl?” I was really in the mood for shopping. “How about the mall?” I saw her eyes light up and she started jumping in the car. “OOOH YES! I need to get more clothes and more lingerie!” I laughed at her mini outburst and headed straight to the mall.

Hopefully I won’t see Crimson, Zayn, and Harry there.


We pulled up to the mall and parked. Luckily there was a person backing up who parked near the front. I put the car in park and turned it off. I decided to just take my phone and wallet instead of my whole bag. I checked myself in the mirror before getting out, making sure I didn’t look shitty.

We walked together into the mall, immediately heading to Forever 21. Usually what me and Alola do is go into forever 21 and separate to our types of clothes, meet back up and try them on for each other. “Hey Hunter look!” I turned around and looked at what Alola was talking about.

I walked over and looked at what she was holding up. The dress was beautiful. It was a skater dress that was rosy color. The back had single draping pearls that were embellished with crystals. The front at the bottom had pearls neatly separated by like an inch between them. This dress was gorgeous. “Oh my god Hunter this will look cute on you! You have to try it on!”

I looked at her then back at the dress. I could never put that on. I was very self-conscious about myself. All the things that’s happen to me only builds that up. I’ve been torn down to many times. I looked at the dress one more time. “I don’t know Al, I mean how about you try it on? It would look gorgeous on you!” I tried turning this around but one thing about Alola is that once her mind is set, it’s final.

“Oh nooooo you’re not slick Hunter. Just go try it on, you’ll look pretty I promise.” I could see that glint of hope in her eyes so I just sucked it up and grabbed the dress from her. I could tell the excitement she had as she followed me to the dressing rooms.

I walked up to one of them but before going inside I looked back at Al, who was sitting down in front of my changing room. She nodded and smiled, fanning me to go on. I sighed and went in. I’m not a big fan of dresses because I feel like it reveals everything. No like in a conservative way but like a personality way. I closed the door and started undressing.

I picked up the dress and took it off the hanger, careful not to rip anything on it. I really did have to handle this dress with care. I stepped one foot into it and then pulled it up a little. I then put my other foot in and slowly pulled the dress up. To my surprise, it fit. I closed my eyes and took one big breath before turning around to look myself in the mirror.

Wow. I never seem myself look so good in a dress before. If I could speak the truth without being conceited, I would say I looked good. Never in a million years would I have put a dress on, especially with my self-conscious. I overheard talking outside the door. I decided to see who Alola was talking to. I opened the door and….

Shit. Big mistake.

Harrys POV.

We have been following Crimson all around the mall all day and she goes into all the stores!
“ Ughh Crims can we stop, I’m tired!” She turned around to look to look at me and made a sarcastic face. “I only have one more store to go in to!” I rolled my eyes and flew my hand into the direction of the store I knew she was going to. “Let me guess, forever 21?” She nodded excessively and I sighed. “Okay let’s go then” She smiled and ran into the store.
Me and Zayn soon followed her and into Forever 21. I will never know why this store is made so freaking big. It takes so long to look at all the clothes in here. I decided to keep myself busy by looking at some of the clothes. Kylie’s birthday is coming up and I want to get her something nice. I go over to the dresses and search for one that suits her well.

As I am looking in the dress section, I hear Crimson’s voice far across the store. I looked up to see her running to Alola. Hmm, Alola? Here and not at school? That’s weird. I shrugged my shoulders and continued looking. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out. I opened the text message and it was from Crims.



I looked up to see crimson glaring at me so I decided to go over there. I finally made it across the room through tons of girls who don’t seem to know there fucking manners. “Harry!” Alola jumped up and hugged me, me hugging her back. “Hey Lola, I would have never thought to see you out of school early?” She glared at me and slapped me in the back of my head.

“OW! What was that for?” I rubbed the back of head as she just looked at me, an arrogant smirk on her face. “I’m not always a good girl Styles” Oooooh feisty. I stuck my tongue out at her causing her to laugh. Zayn was soon standing beside me. He was looking at Alola a little confused. “Oh Zayn, this is Alola. Alola, this is Zayn” They both came to realization as to who each other was.

“Oh I knew you look familiar! Nice to finally meet you!” Alola and Zayn hugged each other before pulling away and going back to their original seats. I leaned over and whispered to Zayn. “That’s Liam’s crush” He eyes got wide and shock. “I see why” I nodded my head and returned to my spot.

“So what are you doing here? I thought you and Hunter were doing something at your house?” She looked at Crimson confused before shaking her head. “I don’t kn-“Something behind us caught Alola’s eyes. I looked at her confused before turning around and saw something, better yet someone.

She looked beautiful. I never thought I say that about her but even me hating her, I couldn’t lie. The dress really showed off her curves and in the right places to. I looked her up and down before meeting her eyes. I could tell she was nervous. She would have never been nervous if I wasn’t here. It was because of me and I know it.

“Oh my god you look gorgeous!” Her eyes left mine and went to Crimson who obviously looked happy.

All I know is that the hate I was feeling wasn’t here in this moment. And then I knew, something was wrong.

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