I Am Old.

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I have seen it all.

I thought...

Those times are different. It felt like I slept for decades and woke up to this, without witnessing the change that occurred around me. I still cannot believe what I see, I'm in a state of denial, maybe. That's what my old friends would say. Didn't talk to them for a long time, I recognize in this very moment.

Because I don't speak much. That doesn't mean I'm not listening- but wait, I didn't listen properly in the last years, or I would have noticed that a change was going on, wouldn't I? I could have recognized the warning signs, but I did not, and now it's too late.

But too late for what, is this really dangerous, or is it just an evolutional change of my surroundings?

Maybe it is. Maybe I should go back to sleep and see if it changed back when I wake up in another hundred or more years. 

What is this strange feeling, by the way? It does not feel good. I know a lot, but I cannot explain this. Maybe a friend can help. Maybe this tiny stick with fluffy ends, never seen friends that look like him around here, but the other ones are gone. So I ask him about my strange feeling.

My friends answer me, always. Because they know they need me as I need them. 

This one stays quiet, maybe he's a shy one.

What kind of friend are you, I ask, while he's swimming along with my other new friends. Who look less talkative, and yes, now I realize it's too quiet around here. And I wonder why, because it's crowded. Crowded with those new friends, why don't they chatter like my old friends?

Have you seen them? I ask another one, who is moving like a skate- I heard this name once, for me they are all just friends, big friends (not as big as I am, though) small friends. But this skate- like-looking newbie who is completely transparent, like a jellyfish, but it's not a jellyfish, doesn't answer too.

The strange feeling rises. I should go to sleep.

But there! An old friend of mine. He does not look very well. Seems like the new friends are attacking him, he tries to free himself from them. Or do they want to cuddle, like humans do?

Friend! I shout. What does this all mean?

It means dying. he replies.

I'm sorry for you. I answer sadly.

Me too. he says.

Now I am puzzled. For the second time today, I feel untaught like a newborn creature. But... 

Oh, no, I cannot die. I am everywhere, I am eternal. I tell him.

He's not answering anymore. Or I cannot hear him anymore.

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