Chapter 1

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"Adventure's waiting for us!" Nana smiled as she readied herself to enter the battlefield. She highly enjoyed battling with the amazing people at the Land of Dawn, their training was amazing, and everyone was just so nice.

But what she really loved the most was— "Let's kick some butt!" She cheered as she and her teammates spawned at their base, right now, she was with Miya, her "sister", Lesley, Tigreal, and Aurora.

They were up against Layla, Clint, Franco, Harith, and Harley. Of course, the people in her team were experienced (*cough* Lesley *cough*) and could easily beat the others, and that just gave Nana another reason to be hyped.

"Tigreal, Aurora, go to top lane, Miya, Nana, take bottom lane, I'll solo middle lane." Lesley orders.

"Most of the time there are at least 2 people at mid lane, Lesley." Aurora says.

"Yeah, but she always showed them who's boss. I ain't worried." Miya chuckled, "Come on Nana, let's farm!"

Nana and Miya arrived at bottom lane, only to be welcomed with an uncomfortable silence. No enemies in action.

"Weird. Wonder how it's so peaceful here..." Miya whispered to herself. "Maybe they're planning an ambush?" Nana suggests as she began to start killing some minions.

"You're right, but let's use this advantage to level up and get all our skills." Miya nods, "In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled."

"Aye aye captain!"


"Alright, I'm really worried now... we've reached level 5 and took down 3 turrets, but none of the enemies are coming out." Miya sighed.

"I'm actually scared." Nana says.

"Initiate retreat!"

"Lesley's calling us back at the base." They both began to recall, still wondering why no one was there—

'BANG!' A blue bomb was sent at Miya, harming her a little, "There they are!" Nana exclaimed, pointing at Layla and Clint who were running out of the bushes.

"Looking for us?" Clint smirked, Nana looked at them in shock, "But you're already level 7! How did you level up so fast?!"

"That's for us to know, and for you to find out." Layla chuckles, "Get ready to die."

Miya used her first skill in hopes of actually winning this 2v2. "Nana, use your second skill!"

Nana nods obediently and sends Molina out at Clint, "Ugh, stupid rabbit." Clint spat as he began retreating to his turret, Nana began spamming her first and third skill while Miya kept Layla busy.

"You have slain an enemy!"

"An ally has been slain!"

"Wait-" Layla gasped as she turned around, her health was lower than half after her little fight with the moon elf, but the little feline only lost a few of her hp "How'd a support do that?!"

"I didn't do it by myself," Nana grins cheekily, "Molina helped!" She sent Molina at Layla, morphing the blonde into a stuffed rabbit as she began running back to her turret.

Nana stuck her tongue out as she spammed her first and third skill, she was just about to kill Layla when the blonde reached to her safety.

"Come back here!" The little feline yells out as she attempted to chase after the blonde marksman, only to lose her. Layla didn't even fight back, meaning Nana didn't lose any hp.

"Aw, I could've gotten a double kill." She pouted, retreating back to the turret, she drowned in the silence of her surroundings, and the faint sounds of enemies and allies getting killed, well, that's before some ruffling of leaves were heard.

"Who's there?" Nana calls out, immediately regenerating herself, "Molina is with me! I am not afraid of you!"

Actually, she is afraid, she's never soloed a battle, and she didn't want to start now.

"Hey Nana!" A familiar, voice came.

"You're demeanor disappoints me," Another voice came.

"Well, time to make my entrance!" Harley jumped out of the bush, using his second skill to come at Nana while she was in the turret, foolish move, but his aegis was activated, meaning the turret dis no damage.

"Leave me alone!" Nana shrieked as she accidentally walked into the battle zone in panic.

"Meow!" Harith jumped out of another bush, taking Nana from behind, using his first skill, causing a lot of damage to be inflicted on Nana.

She was soon cornered by the two mages who had a naughty glint in her eye, Molina couldn't help her for the countdown was too long.

"Ugh, just kill me already." Nana groans, seeing as she only had 3 bars of hp left from Harith's first skill.

She quietly summons Molina, aiming it at Harith's direction so she could dodge Harley and return back to safety.

"That would just be too mean." Harley cooed, Molina quickly morphed Harith, leaving Nana to depend on her reflexes.

"I can do magic too!" Nana grins as she uses her flicker feature to get at least a few feet past Harley.

"Nope, sorry darling." Harley shakes his head before using his ultima at her.

"Eek!" Nana cringed as she ran back to her base in a struggle, "Make it stop!" Too late.

"You have been slain."

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now