Chapter 18

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[Art credit to me]

Before we start, all artists out
there, please listen up! If you've ever drawn ANY MLBB shota or loli (especially Nana, Harith, and Harley), please find a way to send it to me (instagram, post in a book in wattpad) etc, because I am running out of pictures to feature. As you can see, I only want the pictures to get featured in this book to be special, and what could be more special than a drawing created by you amazing readers? (bruh, 4k views in 2-3 months? What a record!) So, please don't be shy and time for YOU to shine! I'll be waiting... yeah... okay just read lol


"What are you playing?" Nana asks curiously, watching (Y/n) play something on his/her phone.

An ally has been slain!

You have slain an enemy!

A turret has been destroyed!

'Those announcements sound oddly familiar...' Nana thought curiously, "(Y/n)?"

"Hm?" (Y/n) hums, briefly looking at her and focusing back at her/his game, "Hold on Hana... just need to clear off these minions..."

(Y/n) stuck out his/her tongue as she/he intensely tapped on her/his mobile, a bunch of sound effects rang through the atmosphere, what's weird was... Nana recognized the sound...

The sound effects sounded a whole lot like how (Favorite Hero aside from Nana)'s skills sounded like.

"Alright! Done!" (Y/n) smiled contentedly, dropping her/his phone and stretched his/her arms and looking at her, "What is it?"

"Oh um... can you tell me about your favorite game?" Nana says, leaning back at the headboard, "I'm interested..."

"Oh? Mobile Legends? Well, first of all, the main goal of this game is to destroy the enemy's base, but you must destroy the turrets first. But lately, players have been very greedy and prefer killing rather than pushing." (Y/n) starts, "Anyways... before you get sent into the battlefield, you must pick a hero to use, there are 6 categories, Assasin, Mage, Marksman, Support, Fighter, and Tank. Each team is required to have both a marksman and a tank, but people don't really follow that."

"One of my favorite heroes is Nana, the character your cosplay outfit looks a whole lot like," (Y/n) continued, "But she mysteriously disappeared. I'm concerned on what happened to her. Perhaps Moonton decided she was useless or something? I will sue them if that's the reason."

Nana said nothing in return but nodded, "M-may I try?"

"Sure!" (Y/n) chirped, "Should I introduce you to the heroes? Or do you think you can handle this yourself?"

"Um... not thanks... I think I can handle." Nana chuckled, selecting Harith/Harley.

"I know his skills and abilities like the back of my head... this is gonna be easy."


"Remind me why we did this again." Orion sighed as he, Harley, and Harith walked down the buzzing streets of Manila, "You two aren't in the game anymore... wouldn't that mess things up more than Nana disappearing?"

"Who cares? Nana's life is on the line." Harith rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "We would've sent you by yourself since you aren't even a released hero, but we're not THAT rude you know?"

"You care about her too much," Oriom huffs, pulling his hat further down to hide his face, "Mobile Legends is more messed up because of you."

"You—" Harley starts, thumping Orion's head and glaring daggers at him, "Do you want to help or not? Oh wait, you've exited Land of Dawn, you are required to help." He smirked, "Now stop whining and keep moving."

"Fine," Orion says, "We can't walk around wearing these those... we'd be suspicious."

"We know, we're not stupid ya know?" Harith rolled his eyes, stopping in front of a department store.

"You claim to be the mischief maker," Harley starts, "Why don't you start chaos in this store if you really are a mischief maker?"

Orion raised an eyebrow and grinned, "Oh sure... I may need some help though."


You have slain an enemy!

Double kill!

Triple Kill!




(Y/n) leant over Nana's shoulder, gawking at how pro Nana acted with Harith/Harley, "Woah... I thought you didn't know what Mobile Legends..."

"I didn't say I didn't know," Nana chuckled as she continued to take down turrets, "It's just—" Nana was cut off when the game crashed.

"Wait... what happened?" She raised an eyebrow and re-entered the game.

"Huh, my phone has a ton of storage left... and the wifi here is decent..." (Y/n) says, taking the phone from Nana.

"I dunno, maybe it's just the game." Nana shrugged, she had a bad feeling deep inside that it wasn't the game's fault.

"Who's this?" (Y/n) asked in confusion, as the New Hero Spotlight appeared, a hero that Nana feared greatly.

"Celosia, Maiden of Death... we were never informed of her release...." (Y/n) mumbles, "The last match was done... I'm pretty sure you guys won." She/he grinned, handing the phone back to Nana who was desperately trying to hold in her anxiety.

Nana checked the hero section, making sure what she thought wasn't true... but.

"They're gone."

"What do you mean they're gone?"

"The heroes... They're not here anymore." Nana's blood ran cold when she saw Celosia, Nischal, and Fe Shian in the hero section.

"What happened to the others?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, snatching his/her phone back, "I have 0 matches, 0 winrate, and 0 heroes?! That makes no sense!"

'It happened didn't it?' Nana thought sadly, 'Hope you got what you wanted... the others are now in the outerworld... trying to keep themselves hidden... I need to find them and fix what has happened...'


"I believe our skills would be greatly appreciated right now!" Harley scowled as he and Harith ran at full speed, trying to lose an angry shop owner.

Orion's plan failed, apparently he had forgotten that their skills didn't work in the outerworld, but he did manage to escape. The magician and the time traveler, however, weren't as fortunate as he was.

"We don't have them, genius." Harith reminds, "We're normal, powerless human beings about to he arrested for stealing clothes."

"How are we supposed to even get money to buy our needs?!"

"We're not supposed to? BECAUSE WE DON'T  BELONG TO THIS WORLD?" Harith says in irritance, "That flipping traitor though. I knew he was trouble."

Just as the boy finished his sentence, they reached a dead end, what a clichè, but it happened, because it did, and now they're doomed.

"Alright... what do we do now?" Harley gulps, looking behind him where the shop owner ran towards them, yelling Filipino insults, and waving a stick around.

"Nothing... accept out fate..." Harith squeezed his eyes shut.

They waited for the owner to get to them and start pounding, but all they heard was a gunshot.

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now