Chapter 14

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[Credit to Selyn on Amino]


"Hey! Watch it!" Alucard hissed once Ruby had slammed into him due to his sudden stop.


"Dead end?" Miya asks, coming up from behind the two lovebirds, the three individuals stood in front of an empty wall.

"Dead end." Alucard groaned, "Nothing here. Let's go the other way."

Ruby and Miya nodded in approval, following the young man who was determined to get this over with.

"Alucard? Is that you guys?" I voice came, Hayabusa, Hanabi, and Kagura soon came out of nowhere, beads of sweat dripped down their worn out faces.

"We need to get out of here!" Hanabi quickly says, grabbing Miya's hand and running the direction Alucard, Miya, and Ruby last came from.

"What? Why?" Ruby asks frantically, following the fleeing Hanabi anyway.

Alucard stood still in his position, waiting for an answer, "Is something after you or are you just running for absolutely no reason?"

"Someone's after us! And I'm telling you, you don't want to deal with her." Kagura says in panic, she attempted to grab Alucard's hand and run, but he refused.

"We are in a 6 vs 1 situation, we can handle this." Alucard scoffed.

"I mean... we can try." Miya shrugged, walking back.

"Man, this is a really bad idea." Hayabusa says, rubbing his neck, "That means I have to stay so you have a better chance of survival..."

"Let's do this!" Ruby cheered with a determined look on her face.

"I believe this is not ideal..." Hanabi gulped, standing still in her position, "Come one Kagura, Hayabusa, you know how powerful she is!"

"Yes, but we have 3 more heroes with us." Hayabusa shrugged, "Alucard's right. We may be able to take her down."

"Are you sure about that?" Fe Shian's voice arrived, she had an evil glint in her blue eyes, her red empress dress hiding any signs of a weapon.

Then she pulled out her katana.

"Your blood shall be spilled."


Nana, Harley, and Harith lay inside a dark dungeon, wounded, bleeding, and absolutely helpless.

Celosia and Nischal took quite delight at seeing the poor little ones' agonizing screams, they tortured them in every way possible, only Harith and Harley probably had it worse than Nana...

"G-Guys...." Nana rasps out in a shaky voice, getting up from her concussion, rushing over to check on her friends.

(Imma just go rub that in your face)

Harith and Harley lay sprawled all over the floor, bleeding nonstop, their clothes were nearly red, and everything just smelt bad.

But Nana didn't care, she just needed to make sure they were alright, she was the cause for all of this after all.

"Please wake up." She let out a sob, shaking the two furiously, "I'm sorry this had to happen." Tears dripped down her flushed face.

Harley was the first to show signs of life, he groaned and turned over, "N-Nana?"

"Harley!" Nana cried out, engulfing the magician in a comforting hug, "I'm so sorry!"

"What are you sorry for? I'm just glad you're alright." Harley smiled weakly, staring into Nana's big blue eyes.

"Me? I... I'm fine... b-but Harley... your eye..." Nana stutters out with wide eyes.

"My eye? Oh yeah... Celosia just loves making me her victim... can't say my left eye can still see though." Harley states, placing a hand over the new eye Celosia gave him.

Instead of his left eye being a beautiful emerald green, all Nana could see was white. Just white.

"She blinded you?" Nana asks softly, Harley nodded slowly, "Don't cry though! I'm just glad you're alright."

Nana nods slowly, holding in the tears that threatened to fall.

'Not now Nana, the least Harith and Harley needs is a weak friend that needs to be protected all the time.'

"Please tell me it's over." A soft whisper escaped Harith's lips as the fragile boy lay on the grouns, not moving.

"The torture is... but the danger isn't." Harley sighed, helping the Leonin sit up.

Nana gasped once she lay her eyes on Harith's face, a large gash was there on his face, that surely was going to scar.

"Harith... your face... and Harley... your eye.... I'm so sorry!" Nana burst into hysterical sobs, "If I hadn't been so curious, I would never have met Celosia and she wouldn't have targeted us... I'm sure we would've caught her in a safer way... a safer way where no one gets hurt." She placed her head in her hands, "Everything's a mess. Because of ME."

Harith and Harley looked at each other sadly, they wanted so badly to reassure the girl, but they were at loss of words.

"Nana, it's alright. We're still here. We're still alive. You just gave us a wonderful adventure to experience..." Harley starts.

"You discovered Celosia before she could do any worse damage... at least, to the city... and... best of all, Harley and I are friends now...." Harith adds. Harley nods in agreement.

"We're going to get out of this." Harley gives her a smile, "I promise you."

Harith gave the girl a big hug, "Now do us a favor and smile. Your positivity helps everyone big time."

Nana's sobs became faint as she slowly lifted her head from her hands, her lips slowly curved into a small smile, "There... but my smile won't give you your eye back Harley, and it won't rid of that gash on your face Harith."

"Well... It may not bring my eye back or get rid of the gash on Harith's face, but it will make everything 1000x better. I promise." Harley states.

"Think of your smile as mana... it's something we need to keep on fighting." Harith finished.

"Alright... I'll keep smiling." Nana whispered, "Now how are we going to get out of here?"

Silence soon took place.

"May not have thought that true. Wow... being deep is tiring... that took up most of my brain cells." Harley jokes, making Nana giggle a bit.

"I mean, we may a find away to get through these bars, they're not unbreakable ya know." Harith shrugged, inspecting the iron bars.

"We don't have anything that can break through these bars." Harley shook his head in a disappointment.

"Oh! I know!" Nana beams, "Harley, give me your hat."

"...Why though?"

"It always gives me good luck! I don't know how, but it just does."

Harley shrugged and handed Nana his hat that was just recently laying in the corner of the dungeon looking as pathetic as can be.

Nana immediately put on the hat and crossed her fingers, "May The Author hear our cries..."

(okay shut up)

A few moments of absolutely nothing happening went passed, but just then, the iron bars fell.

Like, they literally just fell for no reason.

"What just happened?!" Harith says in shock, staring at the fallen iron bars in disbelief.

"A little one-eared cat elf called."

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now