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Hey guys it's Nathan. Not much is going on. Ever since I found this wonderful person that actually makes me happy, Brody has been hating me. Idk why, it's like we're falling apart. Imma be honest guys, I love Brody. I said it! I really do. I have been acting rude lately because I am going through something really hard right now. It is going to be confusing, but just follow. My dad is dying. I can't see my baby brother with out being charged. I have had 0 sleep for the past 3 days, and I might be getting homeschooled. So I might never see Brody again. Ik he hates me, but I love him so I am sorry if I have been acting like a dick lately, and acting like a whore. I could care less, Brody is the only thing that is keeping me on my feet rn. I really need you bro. If breaking up with you know who keeps us together then thats how it will be. I really like the person I am with, but you are worth more than anyone to me rn. Please dont take my bitchiness personal. I love you.

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