Telling and Finding Out

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Chapter 7:

Zayns POV:

We didn’t have school today so Winter and I had plans to hang out at her place, seeing as her mom would be at work all day. I decided to text her.

To: Winter

Hey babe, can I come over? Xx

I waited a few minutes and got a reply.

To Zayn:

Uhm, I guess… Yeah, you can come over now…

I hope everything alright. I mean what could have happened? I left my house and walked across the street. I knocked on the door and she opened it almost instantly.

“Hi, Zayn.. We need to talk.” She opened the door more and let me in. She led me to the couch.

“Whats wrong baby?” She burst into tears as I said this. “What?! Win, tell me?”

“Im…. Uhm, I’m.. pregnant….” I was in complete shock, wait.. is it Matthews?

“Oh… Who’s the father? Is it Matthew?”

“No, we never did anything like that… You were my first… So you’re the father…” She started crying and sniffling. I hated seeing her like this. I pulled her into a hug for a few minutes before she pulled back. “Wait, your not gonna leave me?”

“Why would I do that? I love you, and that’s my kid in there. I would never do that.”

She stopped crying a little and a saw a small smile creep onto her face.

“I really thought you would…”

“Win, if we can deal with this” I pulled the fake baby out of my bag “We can deal with a real one too. Sure, it’ll be hard being teen parents, but we can do it. I mean, I’ve thought about having kids with you one day. Its early yes, but we can look at it as a jump start. How about that?”

“I’d like that.” She smiled and kissed me lightly.

Winters POV:

That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. At least he didn’t dump me. Matthew was a nice guy, but I feel like he would’ve left me in a heartbeat. Im so lucky to have Zayn, I just feel like im messing up our lives… I don’t want to lose him. I love him.

“We have to tell our parents you know?” I blurted out.

“I know, it’ll be hard, but we can do it. I know it.”

I snuggled up against his chest as he stroked my hair.

“I love you Win, we’ll get through this. I promise.” He kissed my head and we both drifted off to sleep.

*2 hours later*


I woke up quickly, only to see my mom staring at Zayn and I spooning on the couch. Oops. You see, I wasn’t even technically supposed to have a boyfriend. She didn’t even know im friends with guys. Im pretty sure she still thinks I believe they have “cooties”

“Uhm, Mom… This is Zayn. My boyfriend…”

“I thought I specifically told you no boys. At all! Get out!”

Zayn scurried out of the house, I didn’t even mind. My mom was awful.

“Mom, what did you expect?! Im 16!”

“And I expected you to follow my rules!”

“But mom-“

“Just go away.”

I muttered under my breath as I was walking up the stairs “I bet you wouldn’t even care that im pregnant” I said this not thinking she would hear.


“What? Oh, nothing mom.” Shit.

“Don’t try to cover it up! I heard! Come talk to me”

I shuffled over to the couch to sit next to her.

“Yes?” I said sternly.

“So, tell me what happened?”

“Im pregnant…”

“And by who may I ask? And why?”

I just muttered “…Zayn, and Im not sure mom. He used protection.”

“Sweetie, YOU HAVE A WEEK TO GET OUT. I would start packing and finding a place unless you wanna live in a box with that child.”

I was in shock, I knew we didn’t have a good relationship, and she was awful, but how could she? I ran. Out the door into the street. I kept running. As far as I could. I was crying non-stop. I couldn’t stop any of it. I finally reached an abandoned park and collapsed on a slide. I curled up into a ball. I was sobbing uncontrollably, I couldn’t take it. It’s the middle of winter, I was wearing shorts with tights and a tee. I was shivering, the tears were freezing to me. I wanted Zayn, but I also just wanted to be alone. I cried until I fell asleep on the slide.

Zayns POV:

After I ran out of the house, I stayed outside for a few minutes. I started to hear yelling, I wanted to go inside to say something, but I couldn’t say something to her mother. It was bad enough I got this womans daughter pregnant. I walked across the street and went inside. I went straight to my room and started playing my guitar. It was the only thing that could comfort me. Besides Winter of course. I started thinking and it started to scare me.

I was going to be a dad? Im only 16 though? I love her, I would never leave her, but how could this happen. I would never admit it but, Im scared… Scared to have this responsibility, tell my mom, support this child, take care of Winter, I just want help. Even though there’s no one to turn to.

Winters POV:

I woke up on a slide. In a park? I looked ay my phone, it was midnight. Was it to late to go see Zayn? I didn’t care, I needed somewhere to go and I was not going home. I started walking back to out neighborhood. I must’ve run a lot. By the time I got there I was sweating a little. I knew he would still be up, I’ve never met his mom or family so I couldn’t just walk up to the door. I pulled out my phone and called him.

* Ring ring ring*

“Hey babe, what happened? Are you alright?”

“Can you come outside, I’ll tell you there”

“Okay, I’ll be out in one minute.”

The phone call ended, I wish I had something to keep warm. I was shivering like crazy. He stepped outside I was not prepared for any of this but I knew it had to be done.

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