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Harry woke up the next morning, debating if last night was a dream or if it was real. He didn't know what was the truth, so he went off to find Draco. But just as he was going to go out-

"Harry!" yelled a voice from behind.

It was Hermione.

"Yes?" Harry replied.

"Want to go to the hall to eat breakfast with Ron? You haven't done that with us for a few days now."

"I- sure..." said Harry, slowly.

Harry waited for Hermione and Ron to get ready, once they were, they all headed to the Great Hall.

They settled down on the Gryffindor table and ate their breakfast.

"Potter! Potter!" shouted a voice from the Slytherin table.

It was Draco. He was waving and smiling. Maybe last night hadn't been a dream after all since Draco never waved and smiled at Harry.

Harry went over to join Draco.

"Hey," said Draco, eyeing Harry.

"Hey, how was last night?" asked Harry.

"Wonderful. I have Defence Against the Dark Arts next, what do you have?"

"Same as you, not sure with who though," Harry stated simply.

Draco nodded.

"Well, I better get going now, class starts in 5 minutes," said Draco.

Harry nodded and they both went off.

That was so awkward. Thought Harry.

Harry had then realised he had the same first class as Draco.

Once Harry had arrived at the classroom and was greeted by Professor Lupin. He could see Hermione, waving at him to sit next to her and Draco on the other side of the room doing the same thing. He didn't know who to choose, but he sat with Hermione.

"Hey, uh Hermione, do you mind if Draco sat here too?" Harry asked.

"Not at all!" replied Hermione.

Harry waved for Draco to come sit next to him, so he left Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey there," said Draco.

"Quiet! Alright. So today, we're going to be fighting boggarts," said Professor Lupin, "Anyone know what that is?"

Hermione's hand shot up per usual.

"Yes, Hermione."

"A boggart is a shape shifter."

"Correct. Clever witch, right, now in today's lesson, I'm going to show you how to fight a boggart. It turns into whatever you fear, to fight it you say "Riddiklus!" which causes it to turn into something quite funny."

Harry was way too distracted by Draco to concentrate on anything that was happening. He stared at him, focusing. Harry slowly raised his hand to cup Draco's cheeks. Draco's attention drew to Harry, he smiled.

"Hey! Listen you two," said Hermione quietly.

Harry didn't listen, nor did Draco, so they both continued staring into each other's eyes. Draco's grey eyes were sparkling in the sunlight shining through the window.

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