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Harry was running so fast that everything was a blur, except for the hem of Draco's robes that were in front of him that disappeared around a corner once again.

"Draco! Draco, wait!" Harry yelled, his glasses almost falling off, but he managed to keep them hanging on tight.

Draco had either not heard Harry, or he had completely ignored him. They had soon ran past McGonagall's class, who were confused at what had just passed the door in such speed. Harry was running out of breath, but he would not stop. His head was moving so much that his glasses had eventually fallen off onto the ground.

"Accio glasses!" he planted as he put his glasses back on.

In front of him, he saw that Draco had completely disappeared. He stared right at the end of the hallway. Nobody was seen, but he continued walking forwards.

"Draco? Draco?" said Harry as his voice echoed.

He suddenly heard sobs to his left and saw that Draco was sitting down, his knees to his face.

"Draco..." Harry whispered as he sat down in front of him.

Draco slowly looked up, his eyes red.

"Th-they think I've abandoned them and th-they th-think I'm a b-blood t-t-traitor," said Draco through his sobs.

Harry rubbed Draco's back.

"It's okay...you've got me...and Ron...and Hermione," said Harry.

"What is they betray me because they always hated me?" Draco asked.

"Then you'll still have me. You'll always have me," said Harry, lifting Draco's head up with his index finger.

They both stared into each other's eyes in silence.

"Merlin, you are so beautiful Draco," Harry whispered, without moving his gaze.

Draco suddenly took Harry in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around Harry's body.  He was surprised at first but pat Draco on the back.

"Thank you, Harry," Draco mumbled into Harry's robes and sniffed.

They pulled apart, Harry gripping onto Draco's shoulders.

"Like I said, I will always be here for you," he said softly.

Draco smiled, his eyes still bloodshot red.

"How about we ditch this class? Let's go to the common room," Harry suggested.

Draco nodded as Harry stood up and lend out a hand to Draco. He gladly took it and got up.

They held hands as they walked to the Gryffindor common room. Once they had arrived, Harry said the password and they both climbed through the hole behind the portrait. Draco playfully pushed Harry, causing him to fall on the couch.

"Draco!" Harry yelled as Draco giggled.

"Yes?" said Draco innocently.

"Come here."

Draco stared at Harry for a moment, before he sat next to him and laid his head on his shoulder. Harry rested his head on Draco's shortly after, both of them staring into the glistening fire.

"Where's Hank?" Draco asked suddenly.


Draco immediately stood up and left for the dormitories, leaving Harry confused on the couch.


But he had already disappeared.

"He'll be amazing at apparating one day," said Harry, laughing slightly at his own joke.

Draco had suddenly realised something which caused him to suddenly bolt up and find Hank, the magical black dog.

"Hank? HANK?" Draco yelled and searched for the dog, but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Draco, what's all this about—"

"He's gone."

"What do you mean? Neville probably took him on a walk or something," said Harry.

"And you've never thought that it could've bit him?" said Draco, crossing his arms.

"Well...it doesn't just bite everyone does it?"

"We'll see if the whole school has wings in a month shall we?" Draco joked.

"Shut up. And...what kind of people does that dog bite?" Harry asked curiously.

"Future married couples."


"Nothing," said Draco quickly.

Draco ran out the room, accidentally bumping into Harry's shoulder.

"Draco—! I swear, why do you keep disappearing?!"

Draco walked swiftly across the corridors and back to the DADA classroom.

"Malfoy! There you are, have a seat," said Professor Lupin.

"Sorry but— can I get Neville please?" said Draco.

"You're in this class aren't you?" Lupin asked.

Draco didn't answer.

"Can I just have Longbottom please?"


Neville hesitated, but stood up and followed Draco out the door. They walked in silence.

"S-so...whad did you need need me for?" asked Neville.

Draco stopped and turned to Neville.

"Where's Hank?"

"H-hank? I thought he was in the dormitories!"

"Well he's not," said Draco simply.

Neville suddenly looked worried.

"I'm sorry!" Neville apologised.

"It's alright, but help me find him."

Neville nodded and headed straight out the dormitories before Draco could say anything. He sighed to himself and looked out the window, hoping a miracle could happen and see Hank. Draco had a secret that he didn't tell anyone quite yet and he wasn't planning on telling anyone anytime soon...maybe except for Harry. He decided to head to the secret magical room that he and Harry had found quite some time ago.

Once he reached the dusty cupboard, he climbed inside and fell down the hole. He was then greeted by the owls happily hooting and mice squeaking.

"Hey there," said Draco, "Have you seen the black dog?"

The animals seemed to have understood and shook their heads. Draco swore under his breath.

"Draco?" he heard a familiar voice from the corner of the room.

He looked up and saw Harry.

"W-what are you doing here?" Draco asked.

"Think that's my line," Harry laughed slightly.

"No reason," Draco said quickly, "Yeah...nothing for you to worry about."

Harry looked suspicious but soon shrugged it off. He stretched his hand out in front of Draco, who took it and stood up.

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier. About Hank biting future married couples," said Harry.

"Oh— it was only a joke," said Draco, forcing a laugh.

"I wonder who Hank bit; they must be my future husband," Harry said sarcastically.

Draco felt a large lump in his throat as he gulped.

"What? Has Hank bitten someone?" Harry joked, "You jealous?"

Draco shook his head while Harry had an evil smirk spread across his face.

"Fine...I'll tell you."

"Tell me what?" asked Harry.

"The secret I've been keeping from you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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