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Harry slowly opened his eyes. He was in the Hospital Wing once again. It was so often that it was kind of like his second home.

"Harry," Harry heard Hermione's voice, "Are you alright?"

He sat up and saw Ron, Hermione and Draco sitting in front of him.

"Think so."

They all grinned. Madam Pomfrey quickly came to Harry's bed.

"Are you alright now Harry?" she asked.

Harry nodded.

"Well alright dear, you're free to go," she smiled and walked off.

Draco lend out a hand in front of Harry. He gladly took it and got out of bed.

The whole trip back to the common room was in complete silence, until they reached the common room, sat in front of the fire and Harry spoke up;

"Then...who sent those chocolates?" he asked, causing Ron, Hermione and Draco to turn and look at him.

"What? You reckon it's Lupin, the chocolate lover?" said Ron sarcastically, earning a punch on the shoulder by Hermione.


"No, Ron. But who would want to send you some kind of poisonous chocolate?" Hermione said to Harry.

"I dunno...maybe one of the Slytherins, Parkinson?" said Harry.

Draco stared at him.

"Right. Sorry."

"If they tried to poison you...what do you think they're trying to do next? Like I don't reckon it's just a prank, I think they're trying to kill you, Harry," said Hermione.

"Don't say that!" Draco shouted, which caused everyone in the common room to look at him, which were only a few other people; Dean, Seamus and Neville.

"All right there?" asked Seamus.

"Yeah...sorry," Draco replied.

"What, you reckon it's Voldemort?" said Harry as Ron flinched at the name.

"Will you stop that Ron? It's just a name!" Hermione shouted at Ron, earning more glances from Seamus, Dean and Neville.

"Easy for you to say, Hermione," Ron replied.

"Keep it down!" said Harry.

"Well...you really think Voldemort would send Harry this?" said Draco, "Like...it could just be an evil person...plus...isn't Voldemort in hiding?"

"He's got a point," said Ron.

"A death eater, silly!" said Hermione as she sighed at their idiocy.

"You know what— it's late, I'm going to bed," Harry stated as he got up from the armchair he was sitting in and headed upstairs for the boys' dormitories.

"Me too," said Draco as he followed Harry.

Hermione and Ron awkwardly sat next to each other.

"Well— aren't you going with them Ron?" Hermione asked.

"I— I guess.." he replied, still sitting down.

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