Chapter 8

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My conscious wakes up in a lethargic manner. What's going on? I think, attempting to open my eyes before a bright and shining light burns into them. I shut them as quickly as I can and groan remembering the past day's events. Confusion and depression hit me like a tidal wave bouncing off the side of a pier. Emotions churn as my stomach grumbles; I realize I haven't eaten a single piece of food in fourteen hours. I'm starving.

The light above my head is mysteriously removed and I open my eyes. Half expecting to wake up on my bed realizing what a nightmare I had, I open them to the cruel face of the strange woman.

"Finally! I thought that tranquilizer was never going to let you wake up. Would've been bad for my reputation!" She stares at my mask of confusion and replies with an annoyed pair of eyes, "You don't know why you are here. Of course, they didn't explain it to you! Leaving us to do the dirty work!" She says in irritation. "You are here to help us find out the cause of this new disease that I am sure you have heard of." I give a slight nod in response. "Right, so your parents gave permission for us to take you and..." she stops abruptly seeing my eyes narrow.

"My father would never do that!" I whisper feebly, still sluggish from the drug I was given earlier. I hate not being able to defend my father like this! He deserves more than these false accusations for all the discoveries he has made! The countless lives he has saved!

"Your parents were promised that we wouldn't hurt you, just a couple of brain scans and blood tests should suffice." She says through her teeth, but I can see the lie a million miles away. I glare at her. Almost acting surprised by my reaction, she moves on to facts.

"You are a blue, meaning that you are one of the lucky few that will survive this plague. The chart is as follows," she says, pointing to a pyramid chart full of color, "Greens are the least dangerous, their intelligence is enhanced in a way; Blues, like you, have the ability to raise objects in the air; Yellows can control electricity; Oranges and manipulate the mind; and Reds, the most dangerous, can produce fire."

The drug's effects have now faded away, leaving my mind clear and disbelieving. I roll my eyes in response to this deluded person's accusations.

"First, you are saying my father willingly handed me away to a group of strangers to do tests on me! And now, you claim that I have some variation of powers? You. Are. Delusional!" I say, my voice clear and bold. I try to move my legs off the table only to notice it's bound by leather straps. The same is done to my arms.

She sighs. "I thought you might feel that way. I can't make you believe something that you aren't already open to." To my complete surprise, the woman begins to unbind the leather straps, setting me free. As she opens the last strap, currently keeping my left leg in place, the doctor tells me her name - Diane. 


Soooo... I published another chapter because, WHY NOT?!

I have a lot of free time this week... hehe...

- Anisha20165

(I also might've been persuaded by a very nice and friendly and amazing person scarletwar333)



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