Chapter 12

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 My soldier walks towards Cabin 28 and drags me along. He's walking too fast, and he knows it. I jog to try to steady myself to his pace, but he pulls out his gun almost reflexively.

"No running!" He smirks. Rage returns, but I stay calm and grudgingly allow him to drag and kick me along. I fall on the ground multiple times; every time, I fall into a small ditch where it is still muddy from the morning's rain.

Finally, we reach Cabin 28 and I am shoved to the floor as the door lock engages and shuts me in. I can only imagine the haughty and conceited smirk of the soldier as he leaves me in my cage. I want to scream in rage. I want to go back outside and kick that conceited jerk where it will hurt. But I can't. Because I am locked inside against my own free will; partly because of my dad.

My rage turns into sadness. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Juline walking towards me with concerned eyes. She offers me a gentle hand. I refuse it as I get up and brush past her shoulder, coldly. I know that wasn't the right thing to do - I don't care. Rage and depression rise up inside filling my whole body with two highly volatile and uncontrollable feelings. My chest heaves heavily as I go to the bathroom and change into my nightclothes.

284 still stitched onto the corner of my shirt. My pants are a simple shade of blue to match with my shirt and the other outfit. My mind is so infused with emotion that I hardly don't notice the rundown state of our bathrooms. One roll of toilet paper and a hole to do our business in. There is no sink, just a small bucket of water that is replaced every three days. There is one large bucket filled to the brim of water and a smaller bucket - probably to take the water out and wash with.

These details hardly etch into my mind as I wash the dirt off of my day clothes. I hang them up and stomp outside the bathroom. I practically run onto my bed and look for a pillow to stuff my face in. I scream in frustration when I realize there are no pillows. Before I know it, my fists are slamming onto the bed in angry and frustrated punches. Tears slowly escape me as I let my feelings run free. Tear after tear spills from my face to my hands.

A gentle hand falls on my shoulder and I stop crying. I don't know what it is but I feel better now. I turn to see Juline look at me with motherly and concerned eyes. She embraces me with a warm hug. I let myself melt in her arms and seek comfort. I find all the comfort I need. Juline tenderly wipes my tears away from my eyes leaving my face dry and my eyes swollen.

I suddenly feel guilty, I open my mouth to explain but am immediately shushed with Juline's finger over lips.

"You don't have to say anything. I understand." Her tone so understanding and soft. I completely collapse into her arms as she cradles me on my bed.

She lay downs next to me, giving me more room on the small bed than I need. Her index finger runs in smooth circles on my shoulder, lulling me to a deep sleep.

------------------------The Next Morning---------------------

I wake up and find my thin sheet is pulled up to my neck and my head is resting on a bundle of clothes. I sit up and find the numbers on my makeshift pillow is 285. I raise my head and see Juline already up and staring at a wall with a laminated piece of paper taped to it. I groan, my foggy mind forcing my legs to move out of bed, towards Juline.

She looks at me, assessing my condition, before saying, "We go to the garden first, then we have breakfast. After that, we go to the workshop where we will spend most of our evenings, and then we go and get dinner. After that, we go to our cabins get ready for bed, then sleep. Apparently, we will also be taken aside for our 'children friendly tests'." The last part she says in obvious quotation marks.

I contain a chuckle, but allow a slight smile to spread across my face.

"Anywho, thank you for finally waking up. Now I can change." She says, dramatically walking over to her clump of clothes and pick them up in the same over-the-top manner. She disappears into the bathroom and I allow a sly smile to appear. Under my bed is a particular pair of blue pants in the numbers 285 sewed on. I pick the pants up and toy with the string meant to help adjust size.

"Eritrea." A deathly low voice says. I walk over to where the sound is emitting from: the bathroom.

"Yes!" I reply cheerfully. I am hardly able to contain my glee.

"Give me my pants back. Now." Juline continues to say in the same low voice. This time I am unable to restrain my laughter and it breaks out. The door opens with a loud creak and a half-dressed Juline comes in and tackles me. I shriek in pure delight as my back softly hits the ground. I am unable to move under Juline's heavy body. Juline rips the article of clothing out of my hands and puts them on.

"Ya know that look suits you," Juline says, a smile threatening to come out, and begins to walk away. Before she can get too far, though, I pull at the bottom of her pants and she comes falling down.

I laugh hard. So hard I almost don't notice the other melodious noise shrieking along with me. We both roll over on our backs and continue laughing our hearts out. It's been a long time since I've been this deliriously ecstatic. I need this.

Our joy is hastily depleted when we hear the click and bang of our cabin lock being opened.

"Enough with the racket! You two come with me!" A menacing voice of a robust soldier growls. We jump up and walk worriedly towards the man. Before leading us away he quietly says into his radio,

"Yeah, I'll deal with them."

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