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He laughed as his associates patted him on the back in congratulatory fashion. It was a great occasion to be joyous; he just secured a major contract. He supposed being a billionaire did help a little. Take that mother; he was never good enough for her. He'd proven to them all he could run the company.

Glasses of champagne flowed as everyone celebrated his success. He sipped his champagne appearing relax, cool and collected. No one would ever suspect the bundle of nerves festering in the pit of his stomach. The ring weighed heavily in his pocket feeling like an atomic bomb. He'd been focused on work lately and securing the contract with Stark Enterprise. Surpassing the expectations of people wanting him to fail was critical. He desired to show them that he earned the right to be here and not because he was the president's son. Natalia talked about marriage, and he wasn't ready at the time with his busy schedule and latest projects, but she would see that it was worth the wait. When his father relinquished the company, it was only worth a couple of millions, with his innovative thinking and implementation; he was able to turn it into a billion-dollar industry. He smiled thinking of the executives sneering at him from behind their crystal flutes. Now, they would be forced to acknowledge him. He did it. Wrapping up celebrations with his associates, he was ready to get home to his soon to be wife.

Getting out of the car, Matt made his way to the penthouse. He had no issue with spending money, he worked hard to get where he was. Just because one was born from millions didn't mean one had access to them. However, at the age of twenty-five, he was one of the richest men in the world; not only in money but in life too. Entering the penthouse, he looked for Natalia. When he didn't see her in her usual spot—the media room watching a chick flick, he decided to search the bedroom. His heart raced furiously in his chest and drummed in his ears as tremors shook him to the core. What if she said no? No. He was Matt Dallas. There was no chance she would utter such a word. Now was the time, she had stuck by his side, and he was ready to commit. There were those who speculated settling down at the age of twenty-five was too soon, but he was happy. He didn't have to worry about women dating him for his status or money. Natalia was all he needed. He wiped his sweating palms on his pants and pushed the door open.


He stood silently, in stupefaction unprepared for the scene before him. His woman! His! S-she shamelessly rode the man beneath her as he gripped her hips firm in his hands and thrust into her. With her head thrown back and eyes closed, Matt watched as she cupped her breasts and met each thrust. What was this? The air whizzed past his lips, his lungs hurting, his chest in agony. Pain. His heart seemed to have collapsed in his chest. He stood frozen, his body reeling from tumultuous emotions, disbelief etched in his mind. He'd given her everything! Everything! When she opened her eyes and spotted him, rage ignited tearing through his veins, ravaging leaving nothing behind. How dare she?! Was he not enough!

"Get out," he said quietly, his words echoing around him, thudding against his skull. He could be civil. He couldn't afford to lose control. She could get her shit and get off his property. He rolled his neck, resisting the urge to think about the tabloids should they uncovered such sordid details. The guy beneath her sensing something wrong bucked her off him. Taking one look at Matt's furious expression, he grabbed his belongings and ran.

"Baby, I ca--" Ignoring her excuses, he rang for security. When Natalia opened her mouth to try and reason with him once more, he snapped. What excuse could she possibly give him to justify her actions? He thought she loved him!

"I said, get the fuck out!" he roared, his voice tearing from his throat. The monster sat in its cage waiting for the day he returned to open the door. No, he couldn't let it win. He stormed around watching the surprise flash across her face before being replaced by fear. She'd never seen this side of him. Only a few have witnessed this side, and they, well, some things were better left unsaid.

"Mister Dallas, we're coming in!"

A ferocious smile stretched across his face at the shock and fear in Natalia's eyes. Grim satisfaction bled from his pores seeing her escorted out his home in the nude. When the door closed and he was alone, he trembled. The fury was so potent that he could taste it on his tongue. No longer able to bite back his agony, he roared. Screaming, he shattered everything around him, photos, lamps, novelty items—anything he could get his hands on, he destroyed it.

"Fucking bitch," he gasped, hating how his throat and sobs threatened to overwhelm him. His throat throbbed painfully as he swallowed the wails wanting to burst free. This bitch! He bit his knuckles unable to suppress his cries. His nostrils flared while his eyes burned. All the memories, the times spent here! Why?! Shaking his head, he backed away from the shattered pieces into a wall. Sliding down, he cried for the first time.

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