>blood work-Daniel seavey<

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Today I had to get blood work done. 

I walked into the quest and got put in one of those rooms.

The lady walked in and smiled at me. she made small talk but I just wanted to get this done because I am afraid of needles. 

She then took my blood and asked me a few questions then walked out to go do a quick run of it to see if anything was alarming in the quick tests before I left. 

She came back like 5 minutes later with a nervous look on her face making my heart drop because that is something you never want to see. 

"So um Mrs.Seavey you are 2 and a half months pregnant, congratulations," she said with a nervous tone. 

I thought about what she said. 

I then replied with thank you for telling me and a smile. 

"so all your tests are all good you can go," she said then I walked out. 

I walked to my car and just sat there. I realized how many hints my body has given me. 

I have been puking for the past 2 months randomly. 

I have been gaining a lot of weight and my belly is getting round how much dumber can you get.

 I also missed two periods.

I started the car and drove home processing the info I just got. 

I walked into the house then walked up to our room and saw Dani taking a nap. He looks so peaceful but I have to tell him.

I walked over to him and kissed him on the head. His eyes started to flutter open. 

I then got in the bed with him. 

"Dani I have something to tell you," I said playing with my wedding ring and looking him in the eye. 

"tell me anything I'm all ears," he said pulling me into his lap facing him.

"so baby I'm pregnant," I said looking at him holding his hands on my hips. 

He pulled me into a hug and started kissing me all over my face. 

"Wait are you pranking me," he questioned before he celebrated.

"nope I have a baby inside of me," I said he then pulled me close and rocked us back and forth well kissing me. 

"omg I'm going to be a dad to our beautiful baby," he said then. he gave me a delicate kiss like I could break at any time.

 I pulled up my shirt to show him the little bump.

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