Will you believe me if I tell you; I'm dying?

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you're kind has never known boundaries when it comes to taking. you violate things, strip them down bare, take them away from their homes, beat them down to nothing until they are at your beck and call. it seems that nothing is ever enough for you. you just know one thing; and that is to take.

you have burned down homes, to better accomodate yourself. you have poluted great bodies of water just so you can have your luxuries. you claim that i have seven wonders, but clearly i have more. when will you stop this egoistical tirany that is your selfishness comming out to hide your insecurities? 

you destroy whatever you touch, and those who fight for me, by my side, are seen as insane because they know that without me you will all be nothing, you will falter and shatter and become nothing. "i don't need you, but you need me". i am far greater than whatever silly inventions you can think of to better your life when in fact you are killing it and affecting others in the process.

and when you see that things get a little too much for you, you panic. it's like your eyes open for a half milisecond and you finally look for things to control whatever it is you fucked up from the beginning that has finally escaped from your control. your experimentation and the atrocities you have done will come back one day to bite you in the ass. and my lovelies, i have started my cleansin... will you be ready when it will be to late to fix everything?


hello my darlings!!!

I have been trying to juggle my life, but it seems like I am not gifted In the art of juggling. I have things to read every day and my dance practices are not helping me in my time managing at all. but, there are times where we all need a break, and where do I get my break from reading and writing for my classes? yup, in reading and writing for pleasure. I cannot promise content on specific days because I don't know when exactly I will have free time to actually breathe (let alone update) but!!! I do promise that in the days that I do upload content I shall give you more than one to make up for lost time.

with that said, I really hope you enjoy my content (not just this one but my other works) and just like it in your own way. I hope I make you feel things, even just a lil bit.

love, leo.

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