Chapter Fourteen

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Logan's POV
I wake up around 3 in the morning to getting a phone call I jump up and answer
On call
Cops-hello is this Logan Paul?
L-yes it is
Cops- ok we found Jake he's in surgery just go to the hospital at the front desk and ask for Jake Paul and they will tell you more about him, ok?
L-alright thanks *hangs up*

I jump up and throw on a sweatshirt and run downstairs and outside and into my car I speed all the way to the hospital and run in everyone stares at me but I don't care then I head to the front desk,
L-hey *says out of breath* I'm looking for Jake Paul
N-what's your relationship with Mr. Paul?
N-ok come over here *walks to a hallway* ok I'm going to tell you all of his injuries
N-well he has a black eye, broken nose, multiple stab wounds on his right bicep, a lot of bruises, broken wrist but just a small break, it looks as if he has been whipped on the chest and stomach, and he is really sore because when ever we moved hi. He would cry in pain but we didn't really get the chance to talk to him because we rushed him into surgery
L-omg how could I let this happen *sits in chair that's right there*
N-sir I'm pretty sure you didn't let it happen
L-i didn't get home in time, if I did he would be okay *a tear falls down his face*
N-trust me after a while he will be better and he can go home and we will get to know all that happened
N-oh and also all over his arms and legs are little cuts and we have seen them before and he did those himself, did you know he harmed himself?
L-w-what n-no
N-is he like depressed?
N-ok we will run some test and work on him and see what we can find, and for now until he's out of surgery you can wait in the waiting room
L-ok thanks *gets up and walks to a seat

I walk to a seat and it there for 30 mins then I start getting tired like I mean it's like almost 4 in the morning so I fall asleep. Next time I wake up it's like 4:30am I get up and stretch and walk up and ask if he's out yet and she said yes he's in room 183b I walk there fast and open the door and see him laying there in pain but asleep I see all how scarred up his arms are because he's wearing a hospital gown and his face is all beat up and he has a brace on his wrist I just walk in and sit beside the bed in the chair and silently cry I keep thinking this is all my fault, but I can't let him know or he will be stressed after thinking and crying I fall asleep in the chair.

Jake's POV
I wake up perfectly fine and think oh it was all a dream then I stand up and realize I was outside in a park then I start walking and I hear my name and I turn around and look everywhere and I can't find out where it came from then I start walking again and I run into someone I look up and it's my uncle I just hug him and he asks me,
Un-hi Jakey I need you to answer this question and think about it first, do you want to stay with me or go back to Logan? Staying with me means you die, staying with Logan means you live
J-umm I don't know I want to do both.. wait does this mean I'm in heaven?
J-does Logan need me?
Un-well look for yourself *shows him Logan crying in the chair next to jake*
J-*sighs* I will go back he looks so sad
Un-ok just know I will always be looking over you Jake I love you
J-I love you too *tears up*

After that everything goes black and I feel like absolute shit I'm hurting everywhere I open my eyes and look around and see Logan asleep next to me I smile and notice my arms are out and he can see my cuts I quickly put them under the blanket I really want s hug right now but Logan's asleep and I'm in to much pain so I close my eyes and I fall asleep..

856 words

A.N: I know it's short I'm sorry but I have A LOT of homework 🙄 then I remembered I also had to go to a birthday so I went then got home and did homework and I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but I'm tired I hope you all understand. Anyway don't forget to vote and comment for more❤️

Also you all should follow me on Instagram


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