Chapter Sixty Nine

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Jake's POV
As I'm throwing rocks around I hear three buzz's and Greg stands up and waves me over I get up too but keep my distance from him, a cop the comes and opens the cell gate and everyone is lined up in the hallway, so I go to the end of the line and hear people saying "ooo who's this hottie" and "fresh meat" and "I wonder how big his dick is" I cringe at those comments but stand in the line,

I have no clue where the cafeteria is so I'm just going to follow the people who look young, well fuck everyone looks older than me, I think I'm the youngest here, I look around and see a girl cop and go over to her
J-um excuse me
J-where's the cafeteria, I just got here today so I don't know sorry
Po-oh it's alright it's down the hall to the right and the door on the left
J-ok thank you
Po-your welcome, also watch out your 17 right
J-yes ma'am
Po-your the youngest here so watch out
J-ok thanks

I quickly walk the way she told me and found the cafeteria and see a extra bucket of water and a sponge there for me I grab it and start cleaning a table

After about 4 tables I feel taping on my shoulder and I turn around and see Chance and Zach, FUCK I'm in jail with three people I hate, BUT NOOO just my luck Jc comes up behind then and they all look pissed, so now I'm in jail with four people I hate great
C-what are you doing here
J-I spray painted a building
Jc-hey are you still dating my sister
J-um yeah
Jc-fuck you

He was about to punch me and I covered my head before someone yelled

everyone looked over at a cop and it was the girl cop.. jc, Chance, and Zach instantly scattered to there own table and she smiled at me, I smiled too and went back to work

After 3 hours the cafeteria is clean and it looks pretty nice then another bell rings and someone over a speaker says "supper head to cafeteria" well there goes all that cleaning gone to waste, I go and grab a tray filled with mushy brown stuff and a carrot. I sit  at a empty table and eat my food- wel actually I don't know if this is food but I eat it because I'm hungry, then a guy who looks a bit older than me sits across from me
??-hey kid, you seem new
J-yeah I am
??-why you here
J-spray paint
??-oh cool I'm here because I killed my daughter

I almost chocked on this mushy stuff when he said that and I freeze, he looks at me and says
??-well I killed her because if I didn't someone would kill my family, she was 4 weeks old and I'm only 21 but my girlfriend found out it was me and called the cops, also my name Caleb
J-um a-are you gonna hurt me
J-ok well my names Jake
Ca-ok jake, well I seen 3 guys hanging up on you earlier when I was walking by
J-oh um yeah
J-we'll ones named Jc, I'm dating his sister and he doesn't like me for no reason and he beat the shit out of me and almost killed me so that's why he's here
J-the one with darker hair is Zach, he k-kidnaped me and bullied me and everything and did horrible stuff to me while he took me for 4 days, that's why he's here
Ca-holy shit I'm sorry Jake
J-hold on there's more, chance the third guy he kidnaped me for 2 weeks and did horrible stuff to me and also almost killed me till the cops were coming, that's why he's here
Ca-jeez, anyone else here from you
J-um yeah my d-dad well I don't call him my father anymore I just call him by his name which is Greg
Ca-oh wait he said the reason he's in here is because he abused you and shit is that why
J-yeah, and the best part about this hell hole is that he's my cell mate
Ca-what the fuck, doesn't the cops know what he did to you
J-yeah I told them right when I came in and they still threw me in there

Before I could say more there was a announcement saying "Jake Paul you have a visitor" a cop came a grabbed me and dragged me out and into a little room area with multiple spots to talk to people with little phones to hear each other that set my in one and hand cuff me to the table roughly then hit the back of my head and yelled "BE QUICK" I looked up and seen it was Logan I picked up the phone  and he did too

L-omg jake I am so sorry 
J-it's ok
L-are you ok Erika told me everything and told me you have to share a cell with Greg
J-yeah I'm ok, for now
J-well I mean Greg, Chance, jc, and Zach are here so I know shits gonna go down
L-*sighs* I'm still sorry I know it's my fault
J-I mean kinda but it's ok I forgive you
L-ok I love you jake
J-love you too

Right after I said that I got hit in the back of the head again "TIMES UP DUMB FUCK" he uncuffed me and dragged me out and I seen logan looking at me with pity all over his face I faked smiled and I got dragged down the hall and into my cell where Greg was I was thrown in there so my head hit his feet as he was sat down on his bed, I immediately jumped up
J-I-I'm so so s-sorry
G-it's fine, go sit in your bed and go to bed
J-yes sir

Even tho it was only 7pm I did as I was told and laid down and closed my eyes facing the wall holding my key as tears slowly flow down my face, this is going to be rough

1147 words

A.N. Hey guys here a double upload, don't forget to vote and comment for more❤️

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