8. Finding out Who's Who

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I walked through the doors feeling confident and proud. It was finally the last week before Christmas break. I was at Jason’s side most of the time and my friends weren’t far behind. We got to the cafeteria like normal but something caught my attention.

“I smell it somewhere. Do you?” I nudged Jason with my arm. He simply nodded and went to sit down. I did the same and sat at the girls table. My friends crowded around as I scanned the room.

“The smell irks me.” Ella growled.

“I know calm down.” I commanded. She rolled her eyes and scanned the room like me. I heard growling and I turned to see Rachel leaned over about to change.

“Keep calm. I changed you to be guardians and protect the humans but you can’t do that while you get caught by the dog catcher now can you?” The shook their heads. “Then be quiet and stay calm.” I looked around the room again before the bell rung. I got to Erik and then it hit me. It was Erik.

“Violet, what’s wrong?” Izzy asked me.

“She knows where it is.” Whiney said.

“Vampire.” I said pointing at Erik. The bell rung and I stood and practically ran out the door for lockers. I heard rushing steps behind me but I was to fast. I was in the class in seconds.

“Hey where’s V?” I heard Jason asking Ella. She pointed in the class. He went to his locker and in the room faster than I was.

“Erik is our target.” I told him almost growling.

“Do you have a problem with that?” He asked.

“No its just he was my friend and I don’t want to hurt him but he chose his fate because he hates me now because I’m a wolf and everything. Plus he hates you which makes it all the more worse.” I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat. Homeroom flew by and I was distracted in band by the fact that I had to kill Erik.

“Violet just calm down, it won’t be as bad as you think.” Jason told me.

“Calm down, your telling me to calm down! You never tell a girl to calm down!” I screamed at P.E. I stomped off hoping he wouldn’t bite my head off like I had just done, but he would literally bite mine clean off.

“You sure told him.” Erik’s voice said from behind me. I turned around. He walked forward and I growled.

“Stay where you are or I’ll bite your head off.” I threatened. A devilish smile grew across his face.

“Fine let’s play rough.” He rushed forward and grabbed my neck. He started to choke me, squeezing my neck more and more.

“Let go of me.” I kicked him in the gut. He stumbled back and started to cough. I ran to Jason and grabbed his arm.

“What are you gonna yell at me again.”

“No Erik is coming now.” His expression changed. A cool blade was suddenly at my throat.

“No need to get him involved in this.” Erik’s sleek voice came to my ear. His hand rested on my shoulder and started to step back. All of my friends started to rise. They stepped forward as we stepped back.

“Let her go now because I am going to kill you.” Jason told him calmly. Erik smiled his devil smile again.

“I think you should say bye to your dear Violet now.” I felt the blade cutting into my skin. The blood ran down my neck.

“Now!” Ella screamed. The pack turned into wolves and started to circle us. The blade suddenly stopped cutting. I was now gasping for a breath. They pounced on Erik as I ducked and ran to the bleachers. I held on to the edge of the bleachers. I was suddenly on the ground hoping for a breath…

“I think we’re done.” I heard someone say. My neck burned. The smell of a hospital filled my nose. Blinding lights hit my eyes as I pried them open.

“She’s alive.” A doctor said as I opened my eyes completely. Doctors surrounded me.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Let me in NOW!” The doors burst open. Jason stormed in.

“You’re alive. They wouldn’t let me in. I told them I knew you but,” He stopped.

“If they don’t want you in here you shouldn’t be in here. Go wait I will see you when your let in” I told him. He nodded and headed back out closing the doors.

“You will be just fine. Your friend brought you here. We immediately took you in. You were badly hurt miss.” A doctor said putting up supplies.

“I’m sorry about him he’s very protective.” I apologized. The other doctors left but the one remained cleaning his tools.

“Let take on more look at your neck.” He leaned down examining my neck again. I leaned my head up so he could get a better look at it.

“Did you give me stitches?” I asked.

“We had to use the best we had and that finally closed the cut.” He smiled and walked to the door. “Have a nice day.” He walked out and Jason came in.

“There was another that we smelled. Nicole is a vampire too.” I nodded and understood.

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