Part 1- lets start with forever

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Each stone tinked off her window as she woke in the middle of the night. She threw on a robe, rubbed her eyes and went to the window.
"Brandon!" She whispered, sticking her head out. He smiled a breathtaking, wonky smile. "Hey Trouble. You wanna go somewhere" she shook her head.
"Listen Trouble, i cant go home right now. Dads drunk. I just got Lily to Marias house, she is safe, but i need to get away right now. With you."
She smiled, was a sad situation but they always had fun, out on the town, them against the world.
"Give me a minute"

Her laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world. The one thing he was sure of in this fucked up place. "Trouble, why do you spend time with me? You could be with Brent or Edward or Ty or-"
"Shut up"
"Stop being so insecure. Way too cute for that. I hang out with you because i really like you, your awesome and so much better than those guys. Throwing away everything to try and impress me. It makes me sick. Knowing that i could have any one of them, the guys who would get rid of their girlfriends for me. They force themselves on me when i turn them down. They think im going to fall for a bad boy. There is a difference between that and being a jerk. Hell I dont have friends because their either trying to get in my parts or who they are with or crushing on are. I hate it so much Brandon. But then you. Your normal. A breath of fresh air bringing me back to reality. Thank you. Never leave me." I felt her rest her head on my shoulder. We were on the top of a hill, we rode on her motor bike up here, we do every time. We watch the stars dance for us, and let the wind sing a song.
"Can i- Can i kiss you?" I felt her stiffen on my shoulder.
"May i kiss you?"
She looked to me, stars shining in her eyes, and a smile creeping up on her face. Never had she been more beautiful than in that moment.
"I was afraid you would never ask"
I turned completely to her, laying on my side, and she followed. Here we were laying in the grass, on a gorgeous night and i was about to kiss a girl called Trouble. I put my hand on her cheek and leaned in, she leaned in to, i tilted my head slightly, our noses next to eachother. My forhead met hers and we made eye contact for just a moment before i closed my eyes and kissed her. Her soft lips moved slowly under mine, in a soft sweet dance. A kiss i would never expect from trouble. Sparks shot through my body as i took her completely to the ground, my body on top of hers, me being held by my arms. I sucked on her lip slightly and she opened her mouth. I gripped her thighs lightly and let my tounge insde her mouth, our tounges tangoed in suprisingly firey passion, suddenly we turned from soft and sweet to intesnse desperation. Her hands gripped my hair and pulled softly while my hands traced her body.
She wrapped her legs around my waist and bit my lip playfully, one hand on my neck and the other tracing down the front of my shirt. She started to take it off when i broke the kiss.

Breathly i managed to speak. "Trouble, no"
"But why?"
"Because i dont want to do that to you as much as i want to do that with you i sont want to ruin this. I have loved you for so long and im not going to let one night of pure passion and lust ruin what we have. What we may have in the future. I wont let you throw that away." She softly smiled.
"You love me?" I nodded. "You look out for me always but i guess i never thought you cared about me too. You just are so great not being perfect. Why me? Of all people? Any girl would be lucky to have you"
"Shut up, and pull your head in. How could i not love you. You are so amazing, skilled and you couldnt care less ablut how people perceive you. You are a free spirit who refuses to be confined. Why would i want anyone else? Your bold and brash and dont think things through. But that just makes me love you" I replied, followed by a kiss.
"Its sunrise, you should go."
"I dont want to" i replied hugging closer to her.
"Lets go" she said getting up and held her hand out for me to get up.
"Princess charming" she stuck her tounge out at me.

"I love you Trouble"

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