Part 3- Where it all went wrong

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"Hey Brendon, catch!" I yelled, throwing him a beer. We were on the beach, i was in a black and purple bikini. I dont normally wear anything other than jeans, a T shirt and my leather jacket but Brendon convinced me to do this.
"Oh god i forgot how beautiful you are" he told me stroking my face. It had only been a week while he was at a convention for his job. 19 and he had everything figured out. 18 and i was madly in love. We were so different, he was careful and creatove and i am just reckless. He kissed me and tucked my hair behind my ear. Black with a purple stripe.

"I never want to lose you Trouble"
"Then don't" He laughed. His laugh was music to my ears, never had their been a sound i needed more desperately than his laugh.

"Trouble, We have been together Two years. Known eachother for ever. No time will ever be enough with you buts lets start with forever."
Brendon said getting down on one knee and pulling a black velvet box from his swimming trunks. He opened it and i saw an amazing silver ring with two black stones on either side of a purple one.
"So please, do me the tremendous pleasure of saying you will marry me?" He asked.
"As if i would ever say no!" I said wiping tears from my eyes, then presenting my hand. He slid the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly. He stood up completely and kissed me like never before. I was mesmerized. The man i love stood before me and i was going to marry him! The people around us cheered and clapped as he peppered kisses all over my face and swung me around. It was so perfect i was sure nothing would ruin it, but life has a way.

We rode on my bike, him for once driving it. We only had one helmet because the straps broke on my other one. I made sure Brendon wore the good one. "Trouble?"
"I know im being paranoid but i want you to wear the helmet. Please dont argue. Just for me?" He cared about me so much.
"Its dangerous for you though"
"Wear it" so i did.
"Hold me tight" so i did.
"Tell me how much you love me. I know it sounds strange but-"
"No no i will do it. I want you to know that i love you to the moon and back, forever, until the day my heart stops."
"I love you too Trouble" and i knew it. Because that was the last thing he ever said.


"I love you Trouble. Im sorry. I love you."
I saw his head split, and everything made sense. "Oh baby, no baby!  Brendon! SOMEONE HELP!" I bled too but he was more important. "Brendon, baby i love you. Never forget that i love you" He softly squeezed my hand and then, he did nothing. He was gone. And with that, i lost consciousness.

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