Part 2- Stay With Me

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"Trouble!" I whipped around and saw Brandon right behind me.
"Hey superman" i giggled, jumping into his arms bridal style, which we both then fell on the dusty ground because of. We burst into fits of laughter. I turned and kissed him tenderly, biting his bottom lip ever so slightly, bring a moan to his lips.
"Heyyy Trouble" I stood up and Brandon followed. I became eye level with Ty.
"What?" I asked harsher than intended.
"Why you kissing him? I mean he is such a looser!" Ty told me before pushing Brendon.
"Ty stop it! TY! TYLER!" i yelled before he swung at Brendon who easily dodged it. "Tyler what do you want here?" My question made him go stiff.
"Are you telling me you dont know? No clue?" I shook my head.
"I came here for you gorgeous. I will make you mine" he growled into my ear.
"Ty-" i was cut off by harsh, crusty lips kissing my own. Desperately trying to get me to open my mouth as his hand traveled. I quickly pulled away and punched him in the jaw. "THE FUCK TYLER?!" Brendon came and hugged me close, i buried my face in his shoulder.
"Ty leave Trouble alone"
"SHES MINE!" Ty roared out before pulling my arm away from Brendon. I was so done with playing nice.

I punched Tyler in the gut and kneed him in the face, ans i heard a crunching sound. As he fell down i put my foot on his back and pushed down. His screaming told me everything. It really fucking hurt.

"TROUBLE. TROUble. Trouble. trouble, baby stop. Its over. Its over." Brendon told me, rubbing circles in my back and kissing my shoulder.
"No im so sick of people like this! IM NOT YOURS!" i yelled to Tyler.
"Lets go away. On your bike. Lets go somewhere far."
"Only if you stay with me?"

A Girl Named TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now