Part 5- Dont leave us

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"NO NO NO STAY WITH ME!" Yelling echoed into nothingness. Death was inevitable but today it had to be avoided. She kept telling herself that she could save her. The blood loss was heavy.

"Listen Girl. Dont die. You have a life left to live! For him."
A twitch in the girl.
"Keep alive for him, do great things with your life." A jostle.
"Dont let his memory die in vain"
Her heartbeat was increasing.

"How are those wounds?"
"Serious. Potentially fatal. We are trying though"
"We need more O- Blood!"
"Crap crap crap"
"Update on the male?"
"Dead on site. Just as we feared his head was split wide open. The helmet is probably what saved the girl."
I whipped around as i heard the girl scream.
"Where is he!"
I put my hand on hers.
"Calm down. Stress looses blood and you dont have alot left." She looked at me strangely then lost conciousness.

"Is she gone?"
"We need help over here. Serious help."
"Got it"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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