Chapter 5: Peaceful Hunting

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"So we're all here, then," Jordan asked, looking over the small group before him. The group was gathered in the same room of the same building Kelly had followed Samantha to, the day before before. "Good," he added, despite the fact that the group didn't respond.

"I have a question," Kelly spoke up.

Jordan turned to her. "What?" he asked.

All eyes fell on her, forcing a crimson to her cheeks, accompanied with a familiar heat. Despite the awkwardness brought on by the attention she deffinitely didn't want, she managed to keep herself composed. "If they burned down the woods, where are we supposed to go hunting?" she asked, slightly quieter than she meant.

"There's a mountain range a few miles north of the city. After burning down the woods, most of the wildlife that didn't perish in the flames fled there," Jordan replied. "Now, are there any other questions?"

"You're a goddess and you still get embarressed easily?" Masterson whispered the tease into her ear, a smirk on his face.

"Hey, I'd watch what you say," she warned, quietly. "I may get nervous in social situations, but I could deffinitely kick your ass."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "All this talk of violence." He knitted his eyebrows togeher. "Are you trynna trun me on?"

She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful punch to his shoulder.

"You two finished, yet?" Jordan demanded, staring at them.

"Sorry, Rom," Masterson appologized, while Kelly blushed again.

"Alright, let's go," Jordan said, turning to head towards the door.

Kelly took the oppertunity to take a look at the rest of the group. The group was smaller han she was expecting. There was about ten of them, though she didn't count the exact number, and the only two she recognized right away was Sam and her father. Or rather, brother. That'll take me some getting used to, she thought to herself with a sigh.

The moment they left the sanctuary, and were in the tunnels of the sewers, most of the group pulled off their clothes and transformed into their werewolf forms, except for a select few, including Kelly and Masterson.

The group began to run through the tunnels at extraordinary speeds. Kelly was able to keep up much bettr than she was expecting she was able to. While in the other realm, she didn't run very much, and she completely forgot how fast she could if needed.

Jordan was in the lead, of course, and, after a few minutes of running aimlessly through tunnel after tunnel, he finally leapt upward, knocking the grate of the manhole forcefully out of the way as he entered the night air, the rest of the group close behind.

Once they were up in the world, the rest of the group that hadn't transformed in the sewers turned into wolves, except for Masterson, who turned into a werewolf, and Kelly, who didn't turn into anything. The group then set off down the street, towards the edge of the city and the mountains Jordan had spoken of, just moments before.

Kelly couldn't help but hold back her smile as she ran. It had been so  long since she had last felt the wind blowing through her hair. So long since she was able to run like this, and it felt good to be able to stretch her legs. She closed her eyes, feeling the wind blow through her hair.

She opened her eyes and turned her head towards Masterson, who looked back at her, an expression undistinguishable on his monsterous face. At least, monsterous would be how most would define it. Kelly, however, was able to see behind the hideous, gruesome mask, and see the person that truly lies beneath. She smiled at him and leaned forward, increasing her speed.

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