Chapter 16: A Delightful Dinner Guest

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"Im still not sure about this, guys," Kyle stated, peering at the large building through the window of the limo that had been sent to retrieve them.

"We have no other options," Jason stated. "I know we aren't all particularly fond of each other, as of the moment, but losing Jordan's coven would set us at a grave disadvantage. We will do what we must."

"And what if he tries killing us all?" he demanded.

"He will," Kelly replied. "I have no doubt about that. We just have to fight and hope we make it out."

"This would be easier if we knew what we were up against," Jason added. "All we know about this guy is he's something like we've never seen. Be prepared for anything."

The car pulled up in front of the building, and the driver climbed from the car and opened the door for them. Kyle, Jason, Kelly, and Romulos all piled out of the car, only to be greeted by a man who introduced himself as the doorman. He then led them into the building. The main area seemed to be a reception area, as it held nothing more than a long counter, several seats, where few people sat, waiting for something, and several clerks waiting behind the counter. On either side of the counter sat a hall with nothing more than stairwells and elevators. The doorman led them into the elevator, pressed the button for the top-most floor, and stepped out of the elevator, informing them that more instructions will be given when they reached the top.

It took several minutes for the elevator to reach the top, and the small group of four stood on edge, expecting anything to be awaiting them, once the doors open. When they finally did, they found a kid, no older fourteen, waiting for them, on the otherside. "I was told to escort you to my master," he stated, his eyes fixed to the floor. Kelly lifted an eyebrow at the small brass band on the child's wrist. "If you would please follow me." He turned around, leading them down a long, wide corridor, with several doors along both walls. Most of the rooms seemed to be offices, though many of them were closed.

The child led the group to the room at the far end of the hall, a walk which seemed to take a milenium. He lead them through a set of large, double doors. "This is the master's living quarters," he stated, as the group peered around the large room. The room was bare, aside from the coat rack beside the door, and the large staircase dirrectly in front of them, against the wall.

A figure appeared at the top of the stairs, leaning against the railing, and smiling warmly. "There she is, ladies and gentlemen," he said loudly, bringing his hands together. "Kelly Angella Green, as I live and breathe." He stepped down the stairs, and as he stepped out of the shadows, a large, gruesome scar came into focus, covering the entire left side of his body, as if scorched by the fires of Hell. His left eye was enlarged and bright orange, from the flames.

"If you don't release my friends-" she started, but was rudely cut off by the strange man's harsh voice.

"Do not threaten me, girl," he growled, narrowing his eyes. "You will get much further if you choose your words carefully."

Kelly took a step forward. "You kidnap thousands of people, for no good reason, just to-"

"No good reason?" his voice boomed loudly, nearly shaking the walls. There was enough mallice in his voice to force Satan, himself, to back down. The man closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, calming himself. "My quarell is not with you," he stated, slightly more calm. "You see, there is nothing you possess that I want."

"And what do you want?" Kelly demanded, unable to deny her curiosity.

"Power," he replied, simply. "Power over those who have wronged me so unjustly. Power over all inferior beings."

"How have any of us wronged you?" she demanded.

"You naive twat," he snapped. "All of you have wronged me, but none as much as that pathetic fucking vampire."

Kyle took a step forward. "Why don't you repeat that?" he demanded, harshly.

Jason lifted an arm to stop him. "Not here, Kyle," he whispered to him, motioning to the guards that stood around the room.

"Listen to you father, boy," he suggested. "Rudeness will not be tolerated in my home. You are already lucky I have yet to rip your soul from your body." A sinister smirk played at his lips. "You would, after all, make a unique addition to my collection." His dark smile transformed into a more peaceful one. "Now, come, eat. We have much to discuss."

"Why did you invite us here?" Kelly demanded, staring deeply into the pitch-black eyes of her enemy.

He smirked again. "I invited you for dinner," he repeated, before moving through a large door to the left if the foyer. Nervously, Kelly and her group followed, expecting any form of attack.

However, what they found, instead, was a large table, filled with a buffet not like any of them had ever seen. "I still don't understand what it is you want," Kelly stated as her host sat at the end of the table and began filling his plate with food.

"I want to stop all of this back-and-forth bloodshed. I have only a limited number of soldiers, and lets face facts, they aren't exactly the greatest fighters."

"So what exactly is it you want?" Kyle demanded, slamming his fists into the table.

"I believe we have a dinner date," he replied, motioning to the feast, before them. Reluctantly, they all took a seat around the table. "Great," he stated with a warm smile.

"So what do you want?" Jason demanded.

"Peace," he replied. "I'll leave you and your 'covens' alone, and you leave me to fix this broken world."

"Now by 'fix this broken world', do you mean-" Kelly began.

"I mean I'll continue doing what I'm doing, but you and your kin will be granted full immunity," he interrupted.

"And as for the dog and Jordan?" Kyle demanded.

"They will stay in my custody until purchased."

"That's not gonna happen," Kelly stated.

The dark smirk that he wore grow even larger. "Then we have no deal," he stated. "Take them," he ordered the guards that stood around the room. They answered immediately, all jumping at his command.

Before they had time to react, men came from behind them and snapped metal collars around their necks, chaining them together. The collars then adjusted themselves to fit their necks, seamlessly.

A loud shriek was heard from the back of the room, calling all attention to the man who had been at Masterson's bar, all those years ago. He removed his large sunglasses, causing a bright light to emerge from behind the lenses. When the light cleared, both he and Kelly were nowhere in sight.

"Well, now," he said aloud with a smirk, "I do love a challenge."

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