Chapter 7: New Friends, Old Enemies

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"What the fuck, Jordan?" Masterson barked as he pushed through the doors of Jordan's office, without invitation.

"Samuel," Jordan greeted with a smirk. "I didn't hear you knock."

"It's been two days, Jordan," Masterson continued, giving no atention to his sarcastic remark. "Two fucking days and you've done nothing. Do you even care that those mother fuckers have your sister? The girl that you raised. You're practically her father, and yet you do nothing while they do god-knows-what to her."

"Yes, I do care," Jordan said casually. "I'm also not freaking out because she is a goddess, and can't be killed on this plain of existance. I know what I'm doing, Sam. You just have to trust me."

"Trust you?" Masterson hissed. "How the fuck am I supposed to trust you after what you did to your own brother?"

Jordan shifted uncomfortabley in his seat. "So, you learned about that, did you?"

"You're fucking right I did. And the hell am I supposed to think you didn't organize this to happen? So if you want me trust you, you better give me a damn good reason."

Jordan sighed. "I've been working on trying to get a hold of somebody," Jordan said, instantly. "It was a group of hunters that attacked us the other night, which means that somebody hired them, obviously not to kill us, but to intercept somebody specific. I think Kelly was the intended target. I have no idea who hired them, or why they want her, but it's obvious she's in danger." Jordan stopped to allow Masterson to take it all in. "You following?" he asked.

Masterson nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, I've been associating with a few my contacts, and learned of somebody that specializes in finding missing people. However, she, herself, is hard to find. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Very," Masterson hissed.

"You seem to be in a pleasant mood, today," Jordan joked.

"So, where is she?" Masterson asked, once again ignoring the sarcastic remark.

"I just told you she's hard to find. I've been digging and digging, and I've come up empty-handed each and every time."

Kelly groaned as she opened her eyes. She had spent the last few days in the hell hole, having to sleep on the cold, hard cement floor, which caused imense pains throughout her back. She groaned again as she tried massaging the pain from her back. She looked around the cell to find that two of her cell-mates were gone, leaving only her, Becky, and the little girl, who had yet to speak, despite both her and Becky's numourus attempts to get her to do so. She hadn't even moved from the position she had been in. The only response they've ever gotten from her was the one time she looked up from the floor to look into Kelly's eyes.

"Morning," Becky greeted as Kelly sat up and leaned against the wall.

"Were did the other two go?" Kelly asked.

"They were bought lst night while you slept," she replied. "Here," she added, handing her a piece of dried bread and a glass of water. "It's breakfast."

Kelly looked at the more than likely inedible substance in her hand. With a sigh, she pulled a small piece of the bread off and dipped it in the water to soften it a bit, before shving it in her mouth. "How the fuck can they sleep at night, treating people like this?" Kelly asked, more to herself than anything. "I mean, seriously, we have rights."

"Well, actually, there are no superntural creature rights. There's human rights, woman rights, and black rights, but there's no werewolf, or vampire, or shape-shifter rights. It's fucked up."

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