Chapter 12: Careful Planning

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"Well, well," Walter said to Kelly, as they both sat in the back of the armored transport vehicle. "We meet again."

Kelly weekly lifted her eyes to meet Walter's. "You know I'm gonna kill you, right?" she hissed.

He smirked at her. "Not with that thing on, girly," he said, motioning to the bracer.

"You know what I don't get?" Kelly challenged, narrowing her  eyes at him.

"What's that?" he asked, leaning backward and crossing his leg over his knee.

"Why would a demon risk his own life by turning the world against supernaturals?"

Walter lifted an eyebrow. "Oh, I guess you haven't heard, yet. I no longer work for Lucifer. I put my faith in somebody far more powerful than him."

Kelly wrinkled her brow. "And who's that?" she demanded.

Walter said nothing. He just smiled, winked, and leaned backward in his seat, as the large truck sped down the street.

"Fine," Kelly said. "Don't tell me. And to think I was gonna save you for last."

Walter chuckled as he crossed his right leg over his left.

"I don't believe you," Jordan said to Kyle.

"Then don't," Kyle countered. "I didn't ask you to."

Jordan lifted an eyebrow at him. "So you're saying Kelly willingly went with her known enemy?"

"She did," Kyle comfirmed.

"And why on Earth would she do that?" Jordan mused.

"She wouldn't," Kyle replied, plainly.

"But you just said she did," Jordan stated.

"I did," Kyle agreed.

Jordan sighed, and rested his hand over his face. "You're going back and forth here. First you say she did, then you say she didn't-"

"I never said she didn't," Kyle countered. "I said she wouldn't."

Jordan growled at him. "If you don't start making any sense, I'll rip you to pieces," he warned.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," he advised. "You see, for this plan to work flawlessly, you'll really need me in one piece."

Jordan knitted his eyebrows together. "What plan?" he demanded.

Kyle smirked. "You worry too much," he repeated.

Jordan allowed another growl to escape his throat. He was begining to grow impatient.

"You know," Kelly said to Walter. "I've really gotta get going, soon, so I suggest you tell me his name."

Walter lifted his eyebrow, once again. "And where do you have to be?" he demanded.

"I've got an apointment with my boss," she replied.

Walter smirked at her. "I guess you'll have to reschedule, then."

She smirked back. "Looks like," she agreed.

"I'm not understanding you very well," Jordan stated.

Kyle sighed. "If you ever want to see Kelly alive again, you'll need me alive. The moment I die, her fate is sealed."

"Why is that?" Jordan demanded.

At that second, another vampire leaned over one of the many balconies overhead. "It's almost time, sir," he called down to Kyle, who responded with a nod.

"If you don't mind, I have some business to attend to," Kyle said, walking past them and towards the ladder that would take him to the story above. Before he reached it, he turned to Romus, who was still pinning Masterson to the ground. "And you, stay," he ordered.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Jordan demanded, following close behind him.

"Work," he replied, continuing up the ladder. "You can come too, if you want," he added as an after thought.

Jordan followed him up, and into another room, full of computers

"Sir," a man greeted Kyle with a salute as he entered.

"Everything's in place?" Kyle asked, walking past him and leaned down to glance at the monitors that scattered the wall behind him.

"Almost, sir," the man replied. "We just need you to execute the order."

"Alright, give me a radio," Kyle ordered. The man instantly unattached the radio clipped to his shoulder, and handed it to Kyle, who pressed the button and spoke into it.

"Everything set Bravo team?" he asked.

"Confirmed," came a muffled response.

"Alright, on my mark."

Kyle stared at one of the monitors, as a large armored transport truck sped past the screen.

"So this is how it ends," Kelly stated, staring into Walter's eyes.

Walter raised an eyebrow at her. "Who said we were going to kill you?" he demanded.

"Who said I meant it was how it ends for me?" she countered.

"Now," Kyle said into the radio, and watched as a large truck rammed into the side of the transport, knocking it on it's side.

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