Agree to Disagree: The Tales of Gen Z

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Hi! I'm Gen Z, and here's the tea: we are going to change the world.

Gen X? They tried their best. The millennials? They're all depressed.

We have to be the ones to make things better writing a letter to Congress reminding them of the progress we've made the goal is to make the country better as a whole and if we can't do it then who can?

They call us lazy. Are we lazy, or are we afraid because the future is hazy and filled with the screams of what's left of our dying dreams?

There is a reason the most popular books among our generation are the ones where the nation is in ruins and the government controls all we see the world fall apart their utopia is our dystopia blood-spattered nothing matters the end amen.

They pray to the Lord their soul to keep but they don't dare to help the homeless on the street our generation might be broke but at least we stay woke and give spare change when we can it's not that hard to lend a hand.

They call us rude when we say "big mood" the discrepancy of language shows times are changing they can't accept that because "all teens are brats" they may have the advantage but we can take damage and get the blue ribbon in the end don't pretend we don't know what we're talking about the door's over there someone will show you out.

They call us naive but we know better than to breathe in the pollution to which their generation has no solution. How about we start to hold corporations responsible? Maybe then change will be possible.

They say we're too liberal well I'm so sorry we try to see the good in people. There's no way to know what someone is going through they hate when we say this but it's true. When they learn to be forgiving maybe then they'll start to see the life that they're missing.

Their rule of thumb is that teenagers are dumb why don't they realize we spend all our time on our phones because we are so afraid of being alone? Suicide rates have never been higher we're getting tired of this pain so change must come now listen up guys and I'll tell you how.

We don't give a damn about race, sexuality, or gender because we remember to never surrender to the people who want to police our identity our intensity is overwhelming there's no telling what else we can do. We are proud of who we are. To change me for you? That's going too far.

When we try to say what's on our mind they don't have the time to listen they've forgotten what it's like to be in our position. Difference in opinions "doesn't matter" and our hearts may shatter yet we're the ones who can't compromise still we see the signs and at the end of the day change is the aim of the game we play.

We surround ourselves with dozens of distractions trying to hide from the world now check our reactions degree inflation is dividing our generation student debt is all we'll have left the world has broken into fractions - are these answers to your satisfaction?

We might be afraid of what the future will hold but we still don't like being told what to do and how to live our lives it's possible to thrive with technology and study psychology we are not to be underestimated because we are dedicated to causes we care about catch us learning global interdependence you know we are transcendent. The possibilities are endless we will never be defenseless we can do anything we put our mind to we aren't confined to the limits of society except maybe by a hint of teenage anxiety.

One day, it will be our time to shine but until then we keep waiting in line we have to agree to disagree and you'll see that the more we learn the higher we can get our fire to burn our voices will be heard until the day we die - and with that, my friends, I'll say goodbye.

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