Chapter 12: Fight Night

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Im like so confused right now. I have so many questions running through my head. Anyway me and Prince are on our way to "my" house. We are driving but i don't recognize any of these streets. I cant take it anymore. This crap is pissing me off. I don't know where i am, how i got here, who that girl was, and why don't i remember anything????

"Prince??" I sat

"Yes baby girl" he says. Awe he called me baby girl.

"What state are we in cause this surely isn't Texas" i ask

"California" he says. What???? I don't remember moving at all. What happened???

"Who was that girl at your house" i ask. She looks just like little Layla my sister.

"Your sister duhh" he says and cranes his neck. This boy right here is........CRAZY.

"So that was Layla" i ask

"Naw that was you" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"Anyway how come i don't remember anything" i ask

"Well you got shot four times on your birthday and went into a coma for a year so today is your birthday" he says as we pull up into this huge beautiful house.

"Who's house is THIS???" I ask. He chuckles and takes the keys out the ignition.

"Yours and Layla's" he says as we get out

"You got to be kidding me" i say.

"Naw but lets go in" he says

"I don't have a key" i say. How we gonna get in now?!?

"But i doooo" he says and wiggles the key.

"Um *cough* stalker" i say and laugh. He gives me the -_- "nigga-really" look. He opens the door and lets me in. He goes back to the car and grabs my bags. Such a gentleman. He comes back in and we go upstairs. I jump on this bed i guess its mine cause it has my name painted in my favorite color on the door. Prince walks in and starts smiling.

"Imma take a shower and get ready" he says. I nod still jumping on the bed. He laughs again and goes into the bathroom. I turn the tv on and turn to Spongebob. What??? Spongebob is my show. Spongebob is bae and will always be bae. I go to the closet. Dang i have a lot of cute clothes. I look in the closet for something to wear for about 10 minutes. The shower turns off and Prince comes walking out the bathroom with just a towel on. He had little beads of water dripping down his nicely toned abs. His hair was a little wet. I couldn't stop staring and biting my lip. I guess he noticed cause he laughed.

"Is there something you like" he asks. I nod and he walks closer to me. He grabs my waist and kisses my lips. I lightly bite his bottom lip. Ugh he is such a tease. He pulls away and smirks.

"Go take a shower and get ready" he says and walks away. He goes into my closet and grabs some clothes.

"Is that for me to wear" i ask

"No these are my clothes. Me, Roc, and Ray left some clothes here just incase" he says. I nod and go into the shower. I wash up and get out. I walk back into my room with my towel around my body and this boy still in a towel.

"Why didn't you get dressed" i ask. He walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I didn't feel like it" he says. I wrap my arms around his neck. This boy is just something else. He kisses my lips softly. This boy gives me butterflies. I look in his eyes and smile. He smiles and kisses my forehead

"I just realized we are both only wearing towels" i say. He laughs. I move my hands from his neck to his waist. Three....Two....One!! I yank his towel off. I start giggling. Dang papi long... You know his hair is really long. Yea i was talking about his hair. Prince starts blushing and covers his manhood. Haha

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