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Yukhwon is typing..

Hey, I was wondering are you Y/n?


Thats me, may I know how you found out? you aren't stalking me right?

Yukhwon is typing..

I showed one of your snaps to my friend and he told me


Yukhwon is typing..

Yukhwon is typing..

By the way I think I saw you at the cafeteria


Weird I thought to myself

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket, looking back at Seoyun who is silently sitting in front of me texting someone.

"Seoyun-ah, this dude is weird. I should probably stop responding to his texts, right?" I ask feeling uncertain making her look up.

"Can you show me his username, maybe I have him in my contacts" she says as she extends her hand motioning to hand her my phone, I take out my phone and pass it to her.

Studying her every movement, as my best friend for so many years she obviously has her finger print in my phone, with one click of her finger, she is already on the app.

"Yo, y/n this is Lucas" she says, looking back at me with a smile

"Lucas?" I repeat with a questioning look

"Yeah, he is very handsome" she says handing me back my phone

"Does that matter?" I scoffed rolling my eyes, he could be a serial killer for a fact and the only thing that matters is that he's handsome? How typical of her. no tea no shade

After some time of sitting and enjoying ourselves outside on the bench, it was time to go to our next class.

"Seoyun, it's 13:55 we should head out" I say as we stand up I meet eyes with a good looking guy.

Looking at him I saw that he was strong built, taller than me and he had charming eyes like one of a child. I was totally checking him out with admiration in my eyes and I wasn't embarrassed.

Someone cleared their throat

Which caught my attention and I looked up, It was him

"So you left me on read?" he seemed amused at my previous actions

"Who-" I was about to say when he cut me off

"Seoyun, you can leave for class" he said to my best friend, as he sat down on the bench

"Sure" she said hesitantly looking at me, and left

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you my best friend who just left me with a stranger

"Lucas?" I said still standing because if something were to happen I'd have a higher chance of running away from him cuz have you seen his legs. #legsfordays

Good thinking I thought to myself slightly smiling as I was standing approximately  3 meters away

I looked back at him, he smiled sweetly and was gesturing to come closer

shit, shit, shit , shit if I come any closer I'll have 0 chance of escaping

Fine, he looks like someone I can trust I thought to myself and came closer (P.s. never let yourself be in a situation where you feel uncomfortable with a guy! if you do call your friend or the police depending on the situation. Please be careful, do not let anyone fool you with their looks!!)

"Don't be scared" he said looking at me and sensing the tension.

"You guessed it right" he said looking at me, while standing up

He just sat why is he standing up ?

I stand there awkwardly which led me to pull out my phone and then it hit me. shit I say out loud turning on my phone to reveal it being 14:06 looking at the time on my phone

class starts at 14:00

"We're late" he says peeking over my shoulder looking at my phone to check out the time.

"No shit Sherlock" I retort

He chuckled putting his hand in mine and pulling me towards the school, more like dragging me through the corridors towards my classroom.

I stoped in front of the door leading to my classroom and stood there dumbfounded and looked at him with my mouth open, what can I do I was surprised.. you can't just do that!

"What? Never held a boys hand?" He looked at me with a smug look on his face

"Ye-Yes I have" I stuttered, indeed I have held hands with boys but that's just how he made me feel.

"Sure thing" he said opening the door and pushing me inside, drawing everyone's attention to us.

"Sorry, She was late because of me" he said to the teacher and she nodded..

She nodded ? Wtf

"Two faced" I mumbled making Lucas chuckle beside me.

I bowed and thanked him for getting me out of trouble even though I was late because of him. Hoping I won't ever see him again.

thanks for reading, hoping I didn't waste your time x

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