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Your POV

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Your POV.

Cautiously i look around to see who is looking at me because the whole time I was chatting with Eunwoo, I felt as if someone was watching my every movement, which honestly freaked me out.

He noticed my actions, looked around and when he didn't find anyone suspicious he held my shoulders from both sides and told me that everything's alright and there's no need to worry.

Eunwoo suddenly pulled me in a tight hug, while lifting me up like I weighed nothing.

Another reminder I am not the lightest person considering how tall I am, so I'm quite worried for his back.

"Can you put me down, you're drawing attention to us"  I said looking around seeing people looking at us strangely, he placed me down on my feet still holding me closely with one hand securely as if he is worried.

He must have seen something or someone I didn't see, I really have to change my lenses prescription because I can't see shit. Right now I can only see people that are in a five meter radius of me.

Isn't helpful when you're trying to find someone at the club I think to myself. With a worried expression thinking of the night ahead us.


I gasp looking at the object that landed near my foot. D f is this bullshit I think to myself looking for the person who threw his alcohol bottle on the ground.

"Whad aree your looking at?" He slurred obviously looking extremely drunk

"Why the fuck did you do that" I glare at him

"What got a problem?" He says coming near us

"In fact yes I do" I raise my voice, looking down at him.

"You're pathetic" he said enjoying my previous reaction, I clearly made a mistake of even giving him attention.

Someone hold me back because I'm bout to throw hands

Sensing what I was about to do Eunwoo grabbed my hand, gently squeezing it, calming me

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Sensing what I was about to do Eunwoo grabbed my hand, gently squeezing it, calming me.

Thanks I mouth to him

"Am I interrupting something?" We both hear and snap our head towards the voice

"Yes" the drunk guy says clearly irritated

"Get the fuck outta here" Daniel says raising his voice.

"Oh so you've got a problem too huh? Funny cuz none of your fucking business" he answers, deliberately to piss Daniel off.

Dialing something on his phone he holds it to his ear "Yeah, Hi. Sorry for bothering you on this busy Friday but there's a drunk person" "club regular entry" after a few seconds "yes, quickly please"

"So now you're ignoring me" he bitterly says walking closer clenching his fists and straightening his shoulders to intimidate Daniel.

But let me say my dudes he looks like a bean next to Daniel

Not phased, Daniel completely ignores him knowing that if he started a fight he might ruin our night.

The drunk guy dashed towards him, fist first. Daniel grabs his fist in his large hand and continued to ignore him while the drunk dude is trying to retrieve his fist back

"Are you Daniel? Is this he guy?" This security looking guy points towards the obviously drunk guy. As Daniel nodded dropping the drunk guys hand that he held.

The security guy pulls the drunk guy away apologizing on his way out.

"Do you have hand sanitizer?" He asks turning towards me smiling, checking my back I take out the hand sanitizer and hand it to him earning a thanks.

"I know someone at this place wait here" he says while mentioning for us to move towards the VIP section.

While walking there I grab Eunwoo with me, he helped me, I should show my thanks at least in this way.

I look towards the VIP entry which is about 15 meters away and see a fancy black car pulling up. And some random important looking guy exits the car with what I'm assuming are his group of friends.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask Seoyun-ah, knowing that for sure I can't see more than a silhouette.

"I don't know, he must be important" she says and I nod. Sensing something weird with the way she answers she quickly turns on her phone typing away, I don't bother because she is always on her phone except when Daniel is with her.

Yukhwon is typing..

Yukhwon send a message

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Thank you for reading! Who do you think he is? Continue reading or add the book to your library to get notified when I post the next part, but before that comment what you think about the book?  49 READS))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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