Stop That Train!

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((This bitch is a mess

Title from stop that train by AWOLNATION))

"Alright, here's the plan," Calum leans in close, holding out his hand like he's going to drop some incredibly detailed information on them. "Are you ready?"

"Am I-" Michael cuts off and gives him an exasperated look. "Obviously, Yes. Jesus Christ, I'm on the edge of my fucking seat here just give me the fucking tea."

"Hmm, wig," Luke says softly.

Calum ignores them both and continues with his plan. Which will probably be incredibly stupid and unhelpful. Michael tunes him out and starts to think of his own ingenious plan. They're sitting in a van (not stolen, borrowed, thank you) directly outside of the warehouse Luke seems to think Ashton is in. The lights are on inside, and there is an atomically correct window, so Michael feels it's fair to assume he's right. Besides, as soon as they'd turned onto the street, Luke's hand had lit on fire. Unfortunately, he was driving, so they'd had to pull over and dump water on him.

Michael is vaguely aware that Calum is still talking about something. There's two guards standing outside the door, eying their stolen (borrowed, Luke's just very good at picking locks and little else) van. There's a larger building next door with a few guards standing around it and at least fifty vehicles parked out front, so Michael figures it's fair to assume that there's more idiots with machine guns crammed inside of it.

He clicks his fingers and points to the window he's looking out of, straight at the two guards standing in front of the warehouse door. "Got it. We send in Luke."

"What?" Luke looks up from his phone (he's looking at cats on Instagram). "Man, fuck you. Why me?"

"Why would you go back?" Michael shrugs. "It'll throw them off. They'll take you inside, you'll be fine."

"They tried to kill me!" Luke shrieks. He locks his phone and holds up his bare hand. "Do you want your husband killed?"

Calum inspects his bare fingers thoughtfully and tsks. "He didn't even get you a ring? What the fuck, you should divorce him."

"I should," Luke crosses his arms.

"Anyway," Calum shakes his head and looks at Michael again. "Were you listening to me? That's the exact opposite of what I said. I think we should go with my plan-"

"It's stupid," Michael tells him bluntly. "I didn't really hear it because your voice is more or less, like, a vague buzzing to me at this point, but the buzzes I did understand were stupid. You didn't even hear my full plan, so let me finish."

Calum scoffs and buzzes or something, so Michael takes that as his cue to continue.

"We send in Luke, okay," Michael uses two fingers to mime walking along his opposite palm. "The guards see him, they- Alright, to be fair, you should probably be on fire for this, Luke. Get your dick out.- they see him, they beat the shit out of him, but he's fine, right? Because he's on fire, he'll be fine. Once he's a little bit bruised up, they take him inside and we just-"

Michael comes to a dead stop, so Calum stares at him. Luke sighs and unlocks his phone to pull up Instagram again. After a few seconds, Calum glances around like he's looking for a reason for the abrupt halt of the sentence, then holds out his hand in confusion when he finds none. "What? We just What?"

"I don't know," Michael says honestly. "I really didn't think you'd let me make it this far, that's as far as I'd thought."

"So your plan," Calum pauses to sigh heavily and rub his forehead like having a brain is an absolute burden. "Let me- okay, your entire plan was just to get Luke killed? That's- that's kind of the full stop, huh?"

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