Chapter XV

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I wake up the next morning with my mouth feeling like Gandhi's flip-flop. Groaning, I roll over in my bed and scan the time. It's noon. Outside, birds tweet their little song and the sun tries to warm the November air, failing. I shiver slightly before snuggling further into my blankets. Thank goodness it's Sunday and I don't have school. I don't ever want to leave my bed, especially to go to school specifically.

I cannot remember much of last night, but I do know that Turner is bad. All I remember is winning beer pong and passing out drunk. Remembering how drunk I was, I place a hand to my head and hiss. God, it feels like I just got ran over by a car and then backed over by a semi-truck.

It's unusual. I don't normally drink, especially at laid-back parties like that one.

As if sensing my wake up, my phone dings. My eyes glance over to my phone sat on the dresser beside me before I reach over and grab it. It's a text from Ruby.

Ruby: Hey how are you?

Me: As good as I can be with a hangover

Ruby: I'm sure ur aunt knows how to deal with a hangover

Me: If I tell her, I'll be as good as dead

Ruby: Tru

I tell Ruby of how I am going to shower, and she just sends me a winky emoji. I groan again before reaching up and stretching. I reach up to the stars on my ceiling, my leg tentatively stepping out of my bed as I make my way to the bathroom. I come to stand in front of the mirror, my eyes staring blankly at me.

Oh, God. I look like a monster. Literally.

My hair is no longer straight, but rather sticking up at odd angles and looking exactly like a lion's mane after it chases down a gazelle. I look at my hairbrush before turning on the shower and setting a towel down on the floor. I quickly brush my teeth, grab some face wash, and wet my face. I come up from washing my face only to scream and launch myself into the mirror in horror.

Grim stands behind me, leaning against the shower curtain as if it is a chair. The shower curtain seems to support him, keeping him upright. "What the hell? You can come out in the day?"

"I wouldn't use the word "hell," he growls, ignoring my second question. Someone is in a bad mood. Grim stiffens at my thoughts. "Cassie, remember what I said about getting familiar," he warns. My eyebrows shoot up.

"Remember what I said about digging around in my thoughts," I hiss back, shoving my face wash into the drawer before slamming it shut. Grim just stands there, watching me. "Besides, I'm not the one playing beer pong with you. You practically invited me to be on your team."

"To get you away from Turner," he sneers. My eyes narrow slightly before I place my hair in a ponytail, reaching past him to shut off the shower. Even though it feels like my stomach is an ocean during a storm and my head beats like a drum, I know I won't be taking a shower with Grim anywhere near me.

"I'm sorry, why do you care about me? Besides, I can handle myself. I just have to tell him to get lost," I wave him off dismissively. Grim tenses at my words although I'm not sure which ones. He looks like he wants to stay something, but keeps silent. It's eery. I would've expected him to retort something sarcastic back at me, or something full of wisdom like an owl, but he just watches me like a hawk. I can feel his eyes follow my every move, especially as I start brushing out my hair.

"Right..." Grim sounds like he believes anything but my statement. "How do you feel?" I may be imagining it, but I think I hear a hint of concern in his voice.

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