Chapter XIX

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"Normally, if someone insulted me like that, I would have killed them," Grim's reply is slow, yet so lethal it makes me shake. "But I happen to like you," he smiles.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot, I'm talking to the God of Death," I sneer. "The biggest murderer that walks the planet free simply because people do not know you exist."

Grim tilts his head at my words. "Pumpkin," he smiles. "I don't kill people. Think of the world as my monopoly. I control who lives and dies."

I just give him a skeptical look. His lips slip down into a frown before continuing. "Life's a game and I roll the dice," he whispers, his voice dangerously close to my ear. It sends spirals of heat and electricity through my veins. "You humans are so frail and innocent. You think you fall in love from fate...newsflash: I am fate," he sneers.

I just stare at him for a moment before an idea that had been tossed around my mind comes back. Something whispers for me to stay quiet about it, but another side of me roars for me to say it. It will surely make Grim pissed. Even more pissed than he is right now. "Tell me," I pause for dramatic effect. Grim tilts his head slightly. "If there's a God of Death, doesn't it make sense for there to be a God of Life?"

I knew it would make Grim mad, but I didn't expect the walls of the room to start quivering. I look around with a scared expression, watching some paintings fall across the walls. I let out a howl of agony as the braces around my wrists tighten, most likely clamping off my blood flow.

Then it suddenly stops. When Grim speaks next, his tone is the darkest I've ever heard. "The God of Life shouldn't even be called a God," he admits. There is a God of Life. "He is useless."

"If I didn't know any better, it would seem you don't like this guy?"

"We have our differences," Grim whispers harshly. "For obvious reasons," he continues, a conceited smile falling across his lips.

My stomach flip-flops like a lava lamp. So many emotions fall through me, all being ones of fear. Right now, as Grim stares at me, I can finally see the crazy in him. His lips look sinister in their loco smile, almost shifting into a clowns. I cannot see his eyes, but I can feel them boring holes into mine.

"I have some matters to attend," Grim backs away. The locks on my wrists loosen as he turns. "I wasn't going to, but since you've now insulted me, I'll make you wait."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"For our conversation to continue. I've known you long enough to know you expect answers for all your questions. I planned on giving them to you, but now I feel like punishing you."

"What the hell?" I whisper in shock. "Like Christian Grey?"

"No," his voice is disgusted. "Nothing like that. I'm just going to make you wait for the answers I so clearly hold," he smirks.

"Oh, I hate you," I growl. The cuff on my hand tightens, a sign of his anger at my words.

"It's mutual," he grumbles. "You'll learn your lesson soon enough."

"My lesson for what?" I cry, sitting up as much as I can with my wrists down on my sides.

"Insulting me and being a bitch," he says smartly, sending me a look filled with smugness. "You know who I am now, so I can no longer allow you to talk to me as if I am a donkey."

"You look like one," I hiss in outrage, mad that I am being scolded by Grim. By Grim.

"A few seconds ago, it didn't seem like you believed that," he chides. I open my mouth to say something, but all that comes out is silence. "Besides, that's another insult. Perhaps this will help you stop talking back to me like a child," he silences me by taking my voice. I go to speak, but it's muted. I'm like Ariel again. Does he have the power to steal my voice?

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