Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

"Come on Em, it will be an experience!" Luke shouts after me as I walk up the stairs to my room. Luke, my twin brother has been doing this all my life. Making plans and trying to drag me along to them. It's annoying and I'm getting sick of it. How on earth does he think I would find hanging out with Calum and Michael fun? Those two are idiots. All they talk about is starting a band and touring the world, like that will ever happen. "But Em," Luke appears at my bedroom door and I throw a pillow at him.

"I said no, Luke. I don't want to go and I don't want to hang out with your friends!" I growl at him and he mocks me back.

"Fine! Have fun sitting at home like you always do." He walks away and I sigh. Thank God that's over, at least for today.

"Emily, are you ready for school? I think your brother is leaving all ready." Mum pokes her head in the room and I roll my eyes. Of course he's going to leave without me.

"Bye mum." I grab my bag and run out of the house just as Luke is backing out of the driveway.

"Oh so you are coming to school? I thought because you said no to this afternoon you weren't going to do anything today." I poke my tongue out at him as I push my bag into the back seat and he starts driving before I shut my door.

"Don't grades mean anything to you?" I ask as he slows at the traffic lights. He glances over at me and the light turns green.

"A little." He says before laughing. "But why should that stop me from living my life and having fun?" He says and I stay silent. Well he's got me there.

"Morning!" Calum says when we get out of the car in our usual parking spot.

"Hey Cal, where's Michael? He's always here before you." Cal rolls his eyes and leans against Luke's car.

"He heard about some new student and he went to investigate. I bet he's hoping it's a girl."

"It's not?" Luke asks and we start walking for the school buildings.

"From what I've heard it's a guy. But I wasn't going to tell Michael that, he can do some investigating for us." Both boys laugh.

"Cool, another boy to join your 'band'." I do air quotes with my fingers and the boys stop laughing.

"Why don't you think we could make it as a band?" Luke throws his arm around my neck and pulls me into a headlock.

"I didn't say that! But you don't even have a band yet. Let me go, Luke!" I say trying to push myself out of his arm.


"Have you seen the new kid yet?" I hear the girls next to me in my last class of the day say to each other.

"No but everyone is saying how cute he is. I can't wait to get me a piece of him!" The girls giggle to themselves as the teacher walks in talking to a guy I don't know. That must be him. He's tall and built, with brown hair and a cute smile. The girls next to me must be having a heart attack right now.

"Class this is Ashton, he will be joining us for the rest of the year." Mr Samson says as Ashton walks to the back to find a seat.

"You can sit over here!" The girls all over the class start yelling out to him, trying to catch his attention. I think the last thing I would want on my first day is everyone fighting for your attention. How annoying would that be?

"Can I sit here?" I hear to my left and I look up.

"It's a free country." I say as he puts his books down and I feel glares trying to beat me down.

"What are we learning in this class?" He asks me as the teacher talks.

"I wouldn't know, someone's talking over the teacher." I say to him with my eyebrows raised. Ok so maybe I shouldn't be mean to him, after all he is new.

"Ms Hemmings. Please pay attention." Mr Samson sighs and everyone turns their attention to me once again.

After sitting through the class and keeping my mouth shut, I meet up with my brother at his car. "So did you meet him?" Luke asks me as we get in the car.

"Who? The new guy?"

"Yeah. Isn't he the dreamiest person alive?" He says while batting his eyelashes at me.

"Did you suddenly become interested in men?" I ask him and he laughs.

"No, but all the girls seem to think that about him." I roll my eyes at his source of information.

"Yeah I met him, he isn't as great as the hype you know." I say staring out the window. When we arrive home, there are two cars parked out the front: Calum's and one I don't know.

"Mum we're home!" I call out when I get in the front door.

"Emily, come over and say hi to the boys." She pokes her head out of the living room and I sigh. Why do I have to say hi to Calum and Michael? They're here almost every afternoon and I see them all day at school.

"Hi Cal, hi Mike. I have work to do." I say trying to leave the room.

"Wait you have to meet... What did he say his name was again?" Mum asks Calum just as the bathroom door opens.

"Ashton." The boy from my last class of the day answers for Calum and my mum smiles at him. Someone already likes him. "So you're Luke's sister I kept hearing about? And I thought our first meeting was a good one." He laughs and I roll my eyes. I'm not sorry for not throwing myself at him and I didn't think I was that rude.

"Yeah, good to see you Ashton." I say and turn to mum. "As I said, I have work to do. I'll see you later." I head up to my room and hear the boys downstairs talk about music and a few "Emily" topics.

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