Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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The Beginning

Life in Rhode Island was never perfect. It was fine, but not great. Everyday became the same thing, a routine even. The same structural balance that I've had in my life for as long as I could remember. Wake up in the morning, go to school, experience possibly the worst day at school courtesy to Asher Dunhill, come home to my mom cooking one of her best dishes, eat dinner with my parents, do some homework and assignments, go to bed, wake up the next morning and repeat. I have never had any problems with that routine. Even now, I enjoy having structural balance and I'm afraid when something out of place happens.

I've lived in Rhode Island since I was little. My dad inherited our average and cute house from my grandad, in our friendly little neighborhood where nothing bad ever happens. We are really close to our neighbors and every month or two one of the many houses in my street would host a barbeque and invite us all. It was sweet, and I would have probably enjoyed every barbeque I attended, if it weren't for a certain someone who I was sure hated me with everything he had. For a reason I have no idea of. Our parents think we're so close, we're just the best of friends, but Asher really does despise me. I've grown to be used to that fact, although it really wounds me.

I guess you could say I've always liked Asher. I do like him, but I dislike him as well. Since kindergarten, he's given me the shivers and butterflies. No one boy has ever done that before, and over the years I've developed the stupidest and most pointless crush on him in the history of crushes. I've witnessed his good moments and realised that there isn't all bad and jackassness to him. He is also possibly the most attractive person you could meet, which just made the matter so much worst.

Today I awoke with a huge smile on my face. It's the first day of my senior year of highschool. I've got everything planned out. My schedule, the days I have off to watch Netflix and chill and the day of my graduation. I've set my goals on my vision board, and added all the things I would love to do one day. Like become a professional pianist, be able to cook like my mom, be fluent in Greek like my dad, visit the Eiffel Tower with my future husband and watch the fireworks at night before we share a loving kiss, and have my first kiss ever under the stars on the beach. This year is going to be perfect, a positive start to the many possibilities of my young life.

I step out of bed with a huge smile on my face and slip on my bunny slippers.

"Good morning, Blue." I say cheerily and bend down to ruffle my kitten on the head. Blue is the offspring and cute kitten of my pet of five years now, Lulu. Blue is the cutest kitten you'll ever meet. He inherited his mother's snow white fur, but while she is purely white Blue have a blend of grey in his fur aswell. They have the biggest green eyes, matching my green ones perfectly. I love my cats and without them I would go mad.

"Lulu, please do me a favour and give your kitten the attention she deserves." I say, laughing when she make a prowling sound and slump further into her little pillow bed. It is safe to say that Lulu isn't nearly as energetic as her kitten.

I walk towards my curtain, taking each side of the curtain and throwing it open. Sun rays streams thought my window. I squint my eyes but immediately regret it when I take note of a nearly naked Asher standing at his window. His shirtless form is one of the greatest thing a girl would want to see in the morning, even me. The fact that he's so attractive makes it all worst. It makes him seem more evil and the pronounced spawn of Satan. He takes one final drag of the death stick dangling between his fingers before killing it in a pot plant on his window sill. Ouch. Those poor plants! How dare he? I didn't have time to think any further because the same moment his eyes decide to find themselves on me. My eyes widen, and a second later my curtains are flung back closed and my figure is ducked below my window. I place a hand on chest, my heart beating fast.

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