Chapter 3 - Problems With P.E

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Problems With P.E

"Guys, emergency, pronto."

I call Lohan and Ling to our original spot. We sit down comfortably and place our bags down. It's our lunch break, and the library is nearly empty expect for some people reading and the librarian at the front desk.

"What's up, Rose?" Lohan ask, sipping from his water.

"Mrs Edgewood wants us to be in charge of the charity event this year to raise funds for the poor. I have to set up a team to help me and I need two vice presidents to my president status."

They both laugh at me. "This isn't the White House, Rose. But yes sure, I'm in."  Ling say.

"Me too." Lohan agreed. "I can get some of my friends to join as well."

"No thanks!" I say immediately. By friends he meant the computer geeks who he occasionally hangs out with. I would rather not. Timmy number one have a crush on me I'm convinced, and Timmy number 2 smells weird like strong herbs. The scent is so overpowering I get nauseous. The rest of the computer team is fairly average and cool people, but I can't stand the Timmy's.

"I'll just ask Amara, Cory and some girls from the dance team." I suggest. I grab my notebook and pen, starting to jot down suitable candidates. Selfless people who care about other people and are willing to lend a helping hand when it came to charity. Unfortunately this school doesn't have many of those people.

"The dance team? Hello, Patricia is on that same dance team and if I don't recall you nearly gave her brain damage from those gigantic books. She can't afford to lose anymore brain cells."

I giggle in return and Lohan laughs loudly. We hear numerous shushes and immediately shut up.

"I'll ask from the chess club, dance team, cheerleaders, swimming crew and players." I say, chewing the end of my pen in thought.

"Why not the computer club?"

"The soccer players?"

Lohan and Ling ask at the same time.

"I don't like the Timmy's, Lohan. And to answer your question Ling, we need diversity amongst our committee. I can't only have dancers or swimmers and then the rest don't support just because no one from their club is apart of it. Everyone should be included." I say optimistically, feeling giddy all of a sudden.

"Okay, you're right. But please don't be disappointed when people say no. You're way too positive for society. People let you down and you just have to move on."

I hum in response, focused on the small speech I'm jotting down in my notebook that I will read to people in order to inspire them to join our committee.

"Come along, guys. I'm gonna go hunting for committee members in the cafeteria." I say, standing up.

"What? We never go in the cafeteria." Ling protests. Lohan nods in agreement.

"Oh come on, guys. Please." I send them my puppy dog eyes. "I really wanna do this for Mrs Edgewood, and those little kids who will benefit from the money we will raise."

"Ugh, throwing the little kids card on us. You're brutal."

I smile cheekily at Lohan before grabbing my bag and hoisting it over my shoulder. We leave the library and head towards the cafeteria which is a bit close by. The silence in the school immediately gets louder as we near the rowdy teenagers. The cafeteria is filled with boisterous laughter and chatter. I open up the double doors and let my eyes scan the place. I see members of the swim team, dance team, chess club, cheer squad and sports.

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