Chapter 2 - The Big Bad Wolf

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The Big Bad Wolf

I was wrong and Lohan was right. This is exactly like Teen Wolf. Except, in my addition the wolves were the bad guys. And right now, I am pretty sure that a big bad wolf is after me. I don't know how, but somehow and someway Asher will know that it's me. He's weird like that, and proved himself to be the biological son of Satan on numerous occasions. I heard and angry 'fuck' and multiple other curse words before the murderous walking of the big bad wolf.

"Guys, I commited a crime and am about to be killed for it so watch my things I'm gonna run for my life and please if I die DO cry at my funeral." I said in a hurry.

"Jesus, Rose. What the earth did you do this time?"

"I might have accidently let these huge books fall on Asher and Patricia's heads while they were making out. I'm pretty sure Asher is headed this way now, ready to butcher me so I'm gonna hide. If I don't come back, my body is probably in the basement."

Before they can reply, I rush off. Their shocked faces are the last thing I see before I leave the library.


The rest of the day passed by uneventful. I've been watching over my shoulder ever since. Both Lohan and Ling were acting extra trippy today and they kept sending nervous glances towards Asher's way. Today is the first day in history that Asher didn't pick on me or humiliate me in front of a crowd. He's been silent in each class, staring off into space with an unknown expression on his face. His silence and blank expressions were absolutely scary, I was sure I was going to pass out. But when the bell to last period ended and it was time to go home, I became convinced that this year really was going to be different between Asher and I. A year where he didn't pick on me, call me ugly, trip me in the hallways, scare me for fun and have me cry myself to sleep at night.

Maybe things changed for good.

Last period ended a few minutes ago. I said goodbye to my friends when Mrs Edgewood called me to her table when everyone left.

"Yes, mam?" I asked politely.

"It's the start of a new school year and our annual charity event is coming up soon. I know that you're probably already busy given all the homework and assignments you recieved today, but I would really appreciate if you took charge of that event. You know how much people it would benefit." Mrs Edgewood said, getting straight to the point.

"Uh, of course. Is something wrong with Avery and Chase? They usually handle those things..."

I really want to help, I do. But I can see myself being really busy this week and month. I should consult my friends to help me.

"No, but it's your senior year so their are many other events that needs charge of aswell. There's the annual carnival event, there's the prize giving, senior ball and graduation. It's going to be a long year."

"I agree. I would love to help though." I smile.

"Thanks so much, dear. Should I ask others to help?"

"That's okay. Ling and Lohan would probably be thrilled to help. They don't have a life as much as I don't."

She chuckled in response. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You too. Bye."

"Bye bye, dear."

I leave the classroom and head to my locker. I stuff all the books that I won't be needing for homework in the bottom rack and make my way to the school exit. Without warning, I'm being hauled into one of the many (probably unsafe) janitors closets in the hallway. I scream in panic when a hand presses to my mouth. The door shut and I'm enveloped in darkness. I try hard not to panic when I feel my back press up against a solid and defined chest. I'm hit with a family scent that can only belong to one person. I almost sigh in relief but realise that this is probably worst than being kidnapped in school by a murderer.

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