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*Andy's POV*
*Next morning*
I am about to stand up and go to take a shower as I hear Rye's voice: "Babe, please stay." Damn his sleepy morning voice is sexy. I climb back to him and he wraps his arms around me.
*Later that day*
We all sit in the living/mindy room and I decide to talk to Jack.
Me: "Jack can we talk?"
Jack *sassy& annoyed*: "First Mikey now me. Who is next? I mean what is this all about?"
Me: "Just come with me."
Jack: "Fine."
We go into his room.
Jack: "So what do you want?"
Me: "You like Mikey, don't you?" (A/n Wow Andy straight to the point)
Jack *blushing*: "H-How do you know?"
Me: "Oh come on. It's obvious. You are staring at him all the time."
Jack: "Well yea..."
Me: You should tell him."
Jack: "No way! I can't do that . That would be emarrassing. I mean he doesn't like me back. I would destroy our friendship."
Me *sighing*: "Just think about it. Good night Jack."

Rye and I went into his room to go to bed. I decide to talk to him about that.
Me: "Rye, I need your help."
Rye: "With what Baby?"
Me: "I don't know if you realised that but Mikey and Jack kept staring at each other the past few days?"
Rye: "Yes, and...?"
Me: "So I talked to them. Mikey likes Jack and Jack likes Mikey. So I tried to convince them to tell each other. But they kept saying 'no the other one doesn't like me back and it would destroy our friendship'. We need to bring them together."
Rye: "Yes that would be so cute. Now sleep my little baby. Good night. I love you!"
Me: "Good night Rye. I love you too!"

*Rye's POV*
*3 days later, at the studio*
Andy: "Brook you sing this part and Jack and Mikey why don't you sing this part together? Would sound good I think."
I look at him and smile. I know exactly why he does this. That's why I say: "Yes good idea. We start with your part, come on get in the booth."
They get into the booth and begin to sing.

Ok wow it's 2 a.m. so I think I should go to sleep. Tell me what you think and leave a comment. Go follow my Instagram @ vienna.rttv
Good night ❤️❤️❤️

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