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*Andy's POV*
*3 days later*
Rye: "Baby I'm going to the bar. Want to come with me?"
Me: "No thanks. I'm gonna stay here. Don't come home too late."
Rye: "Ok I will be back at 11 p.m. Bye" He kisses my cheek and says 'Bye' to the boys as well.
*11 p.m.*
Mikey and Jack went to bed. But Brook and I are waiting for Rye. He must be home any minute now.
*1 a.m.*
Rye is still not home. I'm getting worried.
Me: "Brook, Rye should be home since 11 p.m. I'm worried."
Brook: "I'm sure he is fine. He probably just forgot the ti-" I hear the door open and close quietly. I see Rye and he is drunk af. I go to him.
Me*whispershouting*: "Rye it's one in the morning! Where the HELL have you been?"
Rye *bubbling*: "I-I waaaas... at the baaar."
Me: "Come on lets get you to bed. We're talking tomorrow." I go to his room with him and lay him on his bed. As I am about to undress him so he can sleep I hear him say: "NO! Don't touch me! I have a boyfriend and I love him the most someone can love somebody! So keep your hands by yourself because I'm happy with him!" I am shocked by his words so I just leave him so he can get some rest. I go back to Brook and tell him about what just happened. He thinks it's very funny but also cute.

2nd update today. Next one probably tomorrow. Hope you like it 💖💖.... And yea as you probably noticed this story is still in their flat.

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