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3 weeks, 4 days and 8 hours........untill school starts again...
It's not that I am excited, I am just bored....first few weeks of vacation were lit..but then it got borriinnggg.....
Our school has a lot of clubs, and I am officially a part of badminton and literature club. We also have a group of super popular people who party every weekend and group of nerds who have study night every weekend like any other high school 🤷 I am friends with both the group's people so I am invited to each party. Actually, I am dudes with all except the Stacy gang...
Well, let me introduce you to them-

Stacy and I were friends in fourth std. She would sometimes hang out with Erika an I. We were actually pretty good friends! Soon there was our annual day and the events were announced..and we both auditioned for the Cinderella you would have guessed...I was given the lead and she was one of the witchy sister's. She literally wanted the lead part a a hella lot!
         She started showing late for the practice and started becoming distant from us. Well, I  knew how bad she wanted it so I went to Mrs. Matthew our - then English teacher to swipe roles with Stacy.. but she won't allow...
The show went well and after being everything back to normal she stopped talking to me and would sit on other bench during lunch with some lame excuse...
     One fine day in 5th std during lunch,  Erika and I were having lunch and Sam joined us... From what I remember I saw her shaking her head and storming out...well it's being a lot so I gotta ask her... I followed her in the washroom and she had tears on her eyes! Well wtf!?
"Why are you crying!?" I asked,unsure..
"You , of all people don't get to ask! You made my life miserable"
" Umm..we are only 10 and if you will tell me we can work it out....Wait..don't tell me it's because of that!"
My 10 years old brain thought*facepalm*

"Yea..took you long enough to understand!" She snorted

" I am soo sorry!! could have said! I will tell my mom today and will bring tomorrow! Is that ok? You could have told me this sooner!"

"What are you even talking about!?"

"Umm..the pumpkin pie.. isn't that y u aren't talking to me right? Cause I didn't shared with you?"

"What-" she wanted to say but-

"I know , I can understand... But I couldn't help it 🤷 you were late for practice and I was hungry...."

"Well then you surely don't know anything and stop being childshish"

What!? Cause I surely thought it was about the pumpkin pie.....

"First you steal my friends and then my part in the play and then my crush!? How come you get everything you want!? I did friendship with you to know your secret but that was of no avail.."

Honestly I didn't understand a thing...well we were 10 and I had no secrets and who crush and what friends and what about pie......

" You have a perfect life ..a perfect best friend, perfect grades, everyone likes you and my crush too! Except please stay away from me!"

I tried to explain her that Sam is my sorry I am about everything and we still can be friends but she don't want to,...till this day she doesn't like me and has turned into a totally different personality...she wears short clothes , heavy makeup and roams around 2-3 people together like a total movie popular girls.. always seeking attention... It's cool if you like it being that way but I know those boots hurts her so damn much that while going home she changes into flip-flops. People don't give a shit about what you do for them , even if they will, it won't last long so better do it for yourself!
       Well, Stacy....FYI I don't have a perfect life either...I also have insecurities which I embrace rather than hiding them ...even I am not the same person I was before but I changed for myself not others..cause at the end of the day the only thing matters is me! Cause how can I help others when I can't help myself?

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