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"Hurry up Jess!!!" My mom was shouting downstairs.


I was getting ready to go shopping with my mom since it's only a week since school starts...  You maybe wondering about what happened about Ericka...
Well at first I was kinda sad ...lemme rephrase it ... very very sad.. Cause whenever we used to talk the connection just wasn't there... She wasn't the same girl with whom I was friends with ....Well but when now I think about it was exactly what I needed at that time cause...It took me a while but I started to value myself and I know  maybe you'll be  wondering like  I am exaggerating but that's how I felt when my so-called bestie started ignoring me and our conversations ceased to exist...I can't even talk to her without hesitation... That's all I could think about all day. So one day while on internet...I saw a random quote which goes-

"When writing the story of your life...don't let anyone hold the pen"...

It's just a random quote but donno how it hit my 11 year old self pretty hard... I started being on my own...I went on to morning runs with my dad... Learned music and started learning guitar.. and started learning to be happy on my own... We are still in contact and talk once in a while..but that doesn't bother me at all now ..we are friends and it took me a while to understand that daily conversation is not always necessary in friendship...and before school started I was a happy soul!
I figured out that we still can be good friends irrespective of our lack of conversations and maybe this is how it works but later on I was proved wrong...

It was 1week or so since school started and there was this named Rachel who took late admission in my class. Well I was friendly with everyone and decided to not get attached to any person in particular. She was weird...she got fight on the 4 day of school with a friend of mine-  David. It was during break and when I came in he was in fight with her. Well the reason was more or less stupid but both of their parents were called. She was shorter than me but was very fierce..donno why but I found that pretty amusing. I had only spoken to her a few times... One day during maths lecture we were asked a question to solve about multiplication and since I love maths ( thanks to my grandfather! ) I found it rather simple than her who was sitting diagonal to me brainstorming!!! After the lecture I helped her in that same sum and was pretty amused by her reply

"Thanks for helping me!"

" My pleasure!"

"But...don't u hate me?" She asked being confused
"No..why would I?" I was taken aback from her question.
"Cause I got into a fight with David?"

"No..it's just I thought that he's your friend so..." she asked being nervous..

" No that's not the case..."

And thus we started talking..... She easily broke down the wall which I spent my whole summer vacation creating... The promise of never getting attached to anyone...of never trusting anyone ... minding my own damn business... She easily came through it... I found it difficult to trust her..well I did for 2 years but she always stood up to me...and now we are very close but m not dependent upon her ...not gonna repeat the same mistake..... I gave myself a second chance to be open to someone which I never thought I will again... We talked about everything...every fuckin thing!!! It was awesome... We did all the things which I wanted to do with Ericka ! Late night parties! Binge watching.. Sleepovers! Diy's ! Etc etc... Well it's 4 years since then and even though we fight a lot and argue a lot we stick by each others side... I feel different with her..a feeling which was unknown to me....maybe a feeling of bliss and true friendship???

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