The Guy who can't read....

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I opened my eyes to find that I was stuck beneath my cycle on top and hurt. My knee and elbow was hurting ... Crap! I couldn't get up! I tried ...but of no use! Shit man!

 "Are you alright?" I heard someone say.... I opened my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me... But dude seriously ?? Do you -..  I mean do I look okay????? 

"Maybe" I say wincing....

" Lemme help you"  He picked up my bicycle and helped me to stand up which btw totally hurts!!!

"Thanks " I mumbled ..damn man how will I go home! I tried get onto my cycle but it was of no use ...  Due to my damn knee I couldn't cycle!

" Well here's your phone...and how will you go home?" 

I looked behind to see his car standing there....Wait! I had accident with his car!  

Should I apologize? But why? 

Ohh ha..I didn't heard his honk...due to 1d music blasting right through my headphones...

But should I take his offer?? 

No.. he's a total stranger..

 What if he's a serial killer? But he looks familiar... 

"Thanks..But-" I was stopped mid-sentenced..

"Excuse me" he said answering his phone call.

WHAT? Dude literally I can't even stand and you are like phubbing me???? GREAT!

"My dad want wants me to give you a ride home." He said .After cornering me with me his car just now! ..haha ........quite sarcastic. I think I should accept and there's no other way to go home and declining  would cause further conversation and
further energy waste

" Okay" I said started walking towards his car with my bicycle.. His expression's  funny.

"Wait, do you just agree to get into a car with strangers? who knows I might be a serial killer!"so.. m not the only one who thinks that right?

" Dude, chill you owe me atleast that much.. If you wouldn't have hit me with your car this wouldn't have happened in the first place.And I know self-defense very well so you can't do anything" I say raising my eyebrows at him.

"Where do you stay?"  He asked starting the engine.

I told him the address and he was like it's dangerous to listen music at such high volume ... and how it's partially my fault.

" So... do you work there?" He asked me after a while, his eyes trained on road.

"Work ??" I asked confused?      WAIT.... IS..... HE.....THE ....

" Yea the library. You probably would't remember me but that day-"

YOU ARE the guy who can't read!! Ofcourse I remember you" I exclaimed  I may add kinda happily...

"What???" He said with a funny expression.. mixed with confusion and laughter.. It took me a second to realize what I just said... SHIT!!!!!

"Um.. Nothing... I don't work there  just help them sometimes... you know.." I said totally awkwardly and  little realizing what I just said! That's the name Rach and I came up with..What!? He was staring at the books!!! Like an insane! 

"Umm, my home's this way"   He looked at me  and my house.. 

"You live here???" He sounded pretty shocked..

"Yes and thanks for the ride!" I said getting my cycle out of his car...

" Anytime!" He rode off sounding confusing..

 Why was he confused about me living here???.....

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