Dramatic Entrance

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The school year was quickly approaching, and almost all the kids had come back from their summer vacations. There was plenty of hustle and bustle around the school, but Kate was just looking forward to getting an ice cream sundae for dessert. She was exhausted after watching Kurt make dinner with the bamfs, who were being particularly pesky that day.

"Hey, stop that," she directed toward one of the bamfs, who was trying to sneak off with the chocolate sprinkles for himself. He gave her an impish grin and teleported over to hand her the sprinkles, and she shook her head, laughing at him.

A couple of the other bamfs were actually helping out with the washing up, jabbering between themselves as they handed off dishes to each other — while a few others were trying to grab the dishes from their more helpful friends to toss back and forth. Eventually, Kurt teleported off with the worst of the troublemakers when it looked like Annie was gearing up to threaten to turn them into stew, though.

While Annie and Scott were gathering up everything for the dessert, K and Logan were handling the kids — or more to the point, K was snuggling a very sleepy Elin while the little kids were piling on Logan. Chance in particular was delightedly laughing as he 'pinned' Logan, and Charlie was waiting for Chance to help her as Logan tickled her. All was well and good with their little game until Logan decided he'd had enough and wanted to quit — but Chance wasn't having it.

He latched onto Logan around his neck, and laughed even harder when Logan stood up with Chance scrambling to stay on his shoulders. Charlie of course decided that she'd gotten the short end of the stick and wrapped herself around his leg, demanding to be picked up too.

Logan chuckled as he reached down to let her grab onto his arm — which she grabbed onto just as tightly as she'd done with his leg, screaming in laughter when he picked her up and tipped her halfway upside down. The twins were having a blast, and Logan thought he was almost off the hook — until Annie's nieces came running in and attached themselves too.

"Okay, hold on now," he said with a little frown as Leslie Ann and Mary Beth both more or less did exactly as Charlie had done and attached themselves to his legs.

Kate had to laugh as she watched Logan with all four of the kids. "Get 'im, kids," she called out. "Take him down!"

"You're not funny," Logan called back as the girls actually tried to do just that, with Chance laughing maniacally. But Logan couldn't find a way to try to walk away from them without taking a chance at stepping on one of the girls — who were actively trying to knock him down.

"I'm hilarious," Kate insisted, and to accentuate her point, she made a face at Charlie, who stuck her tongue out in return and giggled.

"Wait until it's you with the gaggle of kids trying to ... whatever they're trying to do," he said as he frowned at Leslie Ann, who grinned that much wider as she pulled on his arm hard.

"I already have one trying to pull me down," she teased. "And make me drop everything..."

"Yeah, well I have one here ... that's half asleep," he said before he looked at Leslie Ann again. "Is that what you're after? You tryin' to pull me down?"

"She said to take you down!" Leslie Ann said with a totally straight face for all of a second before she burst into giggles.

"You always do what she tells you? She's tryin' to get you in trouble, you know."

"But you let Chance and Charlie knock you over, and they're just babies."

"I did not," he replied gruffly, teasing her with a ill-hidden smirk. "You're making up stories, half pint."

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