Animal Magnetism

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The group of would-be rescuers landed back on the grounds of the mansion to meet up with Lorna so they could find their missing members and get those adamantium bands off. The rubble hadn't really been cleared at all because those that cared to start rebuilding were occupied with the invasion, and it was a depressing sight to trudge through the rubble.

But they went from tired dejection to outright shock when they saw a figure standing where the front door used to be that they simply weren't expecting.

He was instantly recognizable, even to the members of the group that weren't X-Men, and the lot of them were on edge, reaching for weapons and ready for a fight. All of them recognized the distinct look, complete with the long cape, that gave away the fact that it was none other than Magneto standing on their demolished front porch.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked, clearly shocked, but the tall old man simply turned to the assembled group with his palms out and open and his body language entirely relaxed, though there was clear rage in his expression — even if it wasn't directed at them at the moment.

"There's no need for your weapons," he told them simply. "I didn't come here for a fight — I came here because my daughter asked me to help."

That set Scott back a step for a moment as he blinked at him, and it was clear from the expressions on the faces of the rest of the group that they were just as shocked. "Lorna called you?"

"She's currently indisposed and cannot come to render aid — though she seemed to think some haste was in order," Magneto replied with that same very calm tone, though this time a new sort of anger flashed as he added, "When we're done, I will be speaking to that brother of yours on how she found herself indisposed in the first place."

At that, Kurt and Logan shared a quick look and stepped up next to Scott, an old plan in place if it was needed.

When he saw it, Erik chuckled the slightest bit. "I told you, I'm not here to fight," he said. "In truth, I have no desire to fight you at all — even after we find your misplaced friends." He let out a long and weary sigh. "I'm tired, and I am old. There's no reason to reopen old wounds here."

After a long while in which the group of them seemed not to have lost one bit of their wariness, Scott asked at last, "What did Lorna tell you?"

"That your friends have been captive for far too long, and that they have lost their free will for a time," Magneto said, and the anger was back in his gaze. "She also mentioned that you believe she — or I — could find them and liberate them from their bonds."

"Vrag moyego vraga..." Natasha whispered quietly for only Logan to hear. He nodded, though he didn't take his eyes off of Erik, and she could see he was a bit more on edge than usual even if he was putting in an inhuman effort to keep from growling.

"I'm only too happy to help you find the ones you lost," Erik said. "And when we return, please, allow me to help to rebuild your home as well." He swept one hand out to indicate the rubble all around them, looking honestly crestfallen. "To see it in this state..." He shook his head and trailed off.

"There's got to be a catch," Scott said, clearly suspicious. "What do you want?"

For a second, Erik's gaze took on a faraway quality before he let out a sigh. "Not long ago, I would have told you my only desire was peace in our time, but I see now that it won't happen in my lifetime." He looked between the heroes for a moment. "Perhaps I can help to expedite it in yours, if you'll allow me to remain with you once you rebuild your home."

"You want to join the X-Men?" Scott wasn't even bothering to hide the tone of sheer disbelief.

"I would like to help see Charles' dream to fruition," Erik replied.

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