Kris x reader LEMON

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You held a crush on kris,
What a shy thing
Somehow you found this anaime main character hot 🥵 so one day during schuela you told him to meet you at the water fountain at school and when you did you shoved your dumb ugly thumb up his ass and he finally talked saying "OH FUCK-" and when you pulled out your thumb had his soul stuck under your fingernail and you said ew wtf
Kris looked at you shyly saying "oopsy >//w//< that's my soul y/n... sorry I'll take it back I like finngers in my ass" you apologized before realizing, what a second who's another person who likes fingers in his ass??? It came to you like a pimp slap
Kris is actually KanYE WEST 2020 FOR PRESIDENT-

(Insert black guys screaming "OOOOHHHHHH" and Bobby Schmurda singing "plz let me out of prison UwU")

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