Part XXII (22) *POV Bonus*

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A/N: Okay ya'll, I did a thing. For those that don't follow me, I made an announcement that I figured out how to introduce Sebastian's POV. That method is...drum roll, please...Folded Fondant! It is an anthology with all of those Ronaldo musings I alluded to. Once you finish with this chapter, you can find Folded Fondant up and running on my page. It will be updated as we hit those critical scenes and how it'll work is explained in the Author's note page. Oh and if you thought the emotional highs were over... you thought wrong. Alright, I'll hush up now. Enjoy!


I walked around the corner into the main kitchen. Checking the time on the clock over the front-house door. Not exactly late but I should've disappeared hours ago. I'd been given leave with the rest of the staff with tomorrow being Halloween. But going home seemed wasteful since Sebastian still needed help—despite what he said—and I lived with him now. Seemed wrong to go sit on his couch in my pj's while he slaved away with the last few batches, frosting, and clean up afterward.

Nope, it wouldn't be right. So here I was helping my buddy out. And shocking to my former self, I couldn't be happier.

"Watcha ya still doing here, Lia?" He looked up from packing the massive batch of Halloween cookies we've been baking all day. By we I mean our amazing cookie duo, I naturally would burn the shit out of them. This batch was on its way to the children's hospital for their annual bake sale. It was something fun for the kids to participate in while being trapped in sterile rooms on a day meant for them to have fun—there was even a face painter available for all of their monster needs.

Sebastian was anything but a Grinch when it came to his charity work. We've been working through this order all day, even I jumped in where needed to speed this along. It was clearly not enough.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Seems like you need help, Sweets. Couldn't leave you here all on your lonesome. Wouldn't sit right with me." I finished with a wink.

"Wouldn't be the first time. I'll be alright." He leaned his hip against the counter. Crossing his arms and smiled in a way that made me want to trace every line in that beautiful face. I spent a disgusting amount of time wanting to touch his intervention was needed. "Go home, get some rest. You've done a lot today."

I shook my head and started my slow approach. Stopping only when there was a foot and a half left between us. A shrill voice somewhere in the back of my mind was urging me to step back pronto. But Wild West Dalia was having none of it and wanted to have some fun. Wild West Dalia obviously needed a night in the sheriff's jail cell. Maybe Sebastian would like to play sheriff.

Christ on a cracker my hormones were out of control. "I can't deny it wouldn't be a first, but now you have these jazzy hands to help out." I shared my infamous spirit waggle. Sebastian flashed me some of those beautiful teeth and I caught a glimpse of that damn dimple. One time, one time can I please just rub my face against his like a freaking cat. These are the rantings of an affection-starved loony people!

"Such confidence, Short Stack. I'm astonished." He teased, causing me to straighten and place my wiggly hands on my hips. The proper pose for a woman on a mission. Coupons of "if", "and", or "buts" not accepted. 

It was true, I was more confident than even a week ago, which was exactly how long I've lived with him. I can't quite explain it but something in Ronaldo's utter belief in me has eased my nerves enough to take on any assignment tossed my way. And that included delicate assistance, although I still had the occasional panic attack.

"I believe I've gotten the hang of it, haven't burned anything today."

He leaned against the steel top giving us some space. "That is true. And all ten fingers are still in place. "

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